No. 226 21st February 2025

23rd February 2025
10.30am Morning Service with Rev. Mike Gargrave
Scripture Reading: John 9: 1-41 Reader - Andy Sinclair |
I hope this finds you well.
Some of us have been talking about how we can "grow" our church.
We need to grow in order to thrive. Without growth any church slowly dies. We want others to experience the love of Jesus.
Over the next few weeks and months people will be trying different/new things. We may be asked to help so lets all pull together to grow Maxwell and share the Good News with everyone.
Please help, we are needing volunteers for the AV.
I am sure there are many in the congregation who could help.
I make up the rota every 3 months.
The rota for April was particularly challenging due to holidays and family commitments.
We are so lucky because Stuart makes up the power point each week for us.
You would only be required maybe one Sunday in the month.
You could either do the sound desk or the PC. Honestly it is extremely easy to do either and full training will be given.
I really wouldn't be asking if we didn't need extra people to volunteer - but we do; especially as we enter into the Summer holiday season.
Please speak to me or Stuart any Sunday. We really need a few more volunteers.
Castle Cafe 
The next meeting will be held on
Thursday 27 FEBRUARY at 2.00 pm. in the West Room.
We will be taking a look back in time using medals, coins magazines and more.
It's a great way to get to know members of our Church family and to strengthen relationships.
Everyone is welcome so please come along and enjoy the chat and a cuppa
Jackie and Norman
Flower Rota 
23rd - Yvonne McM
2nd - Karen M
9th - Margaret C
16th - Kirsteen G
23rd - Myra S
30th - Isobel L
Should something crop up you can always change with someone.
Liz Gillis.
Clothes Recycling Bin 
Just a reminder about the clothes bin in the church car park.
If you have unwanted/worn out clothes they can benefit church finances.
Place the clothes in a carrier bag, tie it securely and place in the recycling bin.
It is emptied regularly and the church receives a bank transfer quarterly.
If the clothes can be reused they are passed on but even worn out/ torn items have a value.
Charity shops really only use clothes that are in season but the recycling bin takes all clothes at all times.
The prayer group will next meet
WEDNESDAY 26 FEBRUARY at 7.30 pm. for an hour in the WEST ROOM.
You may pray aloud or in silence.
"Where two or three gather in my name there am I with them" Matthew 18:20
"If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from Heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land. Now my eyes will be open and my ears attentive to the prayers offered in this place."
Tea and Coffee Rota

23 February - Lorna McN, May and Ken W
2 March - Alison and Raymond M. Liz G
9 March - Marlene S. Christine L. Margaret C.
16 March- Janette F. Sheona K. Shona L.
23 March - Gloria and Sandy L. Lesley Y.
30 March - Karen M. Lynnette H. Sheila R.
May we continue to grow as a community, filled with love and shared moments over a cup of tea or coffee.
Thank you all for your time and helping out with our rota, this is a cherished part of our church experience and it wouldn’t be possible without your contributions.
Also, a gentle reminder, if possible please bring your own cup! As we are really trying to become greener ~ thank you!
Thank you
Shona L and Lorna McN
Maxwell Pray Now Group
Pray Now is a WhatsApp group for Maxwell members |
This group sends out occasional requests for prayer. In particular those which might be regarding things more acute or immediate. At present there are 17 of us who, when we receive a request for prayer, stop what we are doing and pray for whatever has been asked.
Are you on the Pray Now WhatsApp Group? If you want to be added to the group to receive prayer news then simply ask Denise and she will add your number to the list.
If you have a matter that you would like to be prayed about in this way, you can contact Denise and she will organise for news to be sent out.
Getting To Church 
Should anyone require a lift to Maxwell Mearns Castle Church or to the Castle Cafe, then please do let us know.
If you are willing and able to offer a lift please speak to Norman or Denise or
Please email:
Safeguarding At Maxwell Mearns 
Safeguarding – Ensuring a Safe Church for All
If you suspect or witness harm or abuse, or it is reported to you, you must immediately report it to one of the Safeguarding Coordinators:
Rev. James (Jim) Gemmell
May Walker