No. 218 20th December 2024

22nd December 2024
10.30am Morning Service with Norman Mackenzie
Scripture Reading: Luke 1 : 46b -55 Reader Martin McGowan |
Sunday is the Fourth Sunday of Advent and Christmas is almost upon us.

Up and down the land excitement reigns in homes and the shops are filled with people buying last minute food and gifts.
We are all so blessed to have everything that we do and I don't just mean the lovely homes we live in or the brightly coloured Christmas decorations.
We remember the people in war torn areas of the world and unfortunately there seem to be more stories than ever as people just try to exist. It's not just those folk though . We have the lonely, the disenfranchised here in our own land and there are some for whom Christmas does not hold happy memories.
We remember that Jesus was born for everyone, far from family and friends. He was born to save us.

We remember that Jesus is the reason for the season.
There will not be a magazine between Christmas and New Year as I am enjoying time spent with family.
I am still looking for someone to take over the magazine. When I started I knew nothing about this sort of thing but thanks to Stuart's patience I have got to where I am today. I will happily cover for holidays and other times but it would be a great Christmas present if someone offered to help.
All rotas cover up to January.
Wishing everyone a blessed Christmas.
Enjoy the magazine
Christmas Eve
Our service on Christmas Eve starts at 7.00 pm.
Everyone welcome.
Rev Mike Gargrave is officiating
Reading Luke 2: 1 - 20 .
Sunday Morning Service 29 December
10.30am with Rev. Mike Gargrave
Scripture Reading Matthew 2: 1 - 12
East Renfrewshire Good Causes
ERGC is the charity started by our own Russell MacMillan in 2007 with the intention of paying back £100K in thanks for his life-giving transplant operations which had cost the NHS £70K. 17 years later, earlier this year, ERGC passed the £2M mark in aid provided, in the main, to local people in need.
The Love Your Neighbour Club (LYNC) was formed as a joint partnership between ERGC and Maxwell Mearns Castle Church. The aim was to show Christian love to the people (of any faith, or none) around us, who are in need, in a practical way by supplying packs of household cleaning and personal hygiene items, to show we care. Although we supplement the basic packs with any foodstuffs we have received as donations, it is not meant to be a foodbank – the Trussell Trust one in Barrhead is already doing a great job.
Garage space under the church halls was allocated as storage space for the extensive stores required and a sizeable team of members of the then congregation were involved in distributing the packs.
I have worked with Russell since Dec 2021 as the manager of the store and am responsible for ordering and managing the goods and making up the packs for delivery, as well as doing some deliveries myself. In the last 3 years, we have sent out 300 packs in response to referrals from teachers, social workers and other health and care professionals, and this week a further 36 packs are being delivered (see photo above).
The charity buys the main items from Sainsburys and they deliver to the church. We get regular donations of foodstuffs from the 2 local COOPs in Mearns and receive donations from various other people or groups.

Our friends from the Mother Earth Hindu Temple Glasgow have just made their second annual donation with a sizeable quantity of items – see right.
St Ninian's HS are also sending us donations from pupils again this year.
The Shoebox team and ourselves work closely together, sharing our working areas in the garage as the need arises.
We now have a team of volunteers based in the St Andrews CoS in Barrhead who cover the Barrhead and Neilston areas, similar in the Thornliebank CoS and a volunteer covering Eaglesham. Unfortunately with the change in the Maxwell congregation, we have lost many of the volunteers who covered our local Mearns and Clarkston areas.
It would be great to have some new volunteers join us to continue this vital part of Maxwell’s outreach work in the local area and show God’s love for our neighbours in a very practical way. If you can spare an hour at most, once a month, to deliver packs, please speak to Russell or myself.
Andy Sinclair
Flower Rota 
22nd Liz G.
29th Dave McL
5th Lynette
12th Jackie
19th Shona K
26th Yvonne McM
The prayer group next meets in January 2025 at 7.30 in West Room and all are welcome. You may pray aloud or in silence.
"Where two or three gather in my name there am I with them" Matthew 18:20
"If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from Heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land. Now my eyes will be open and my ears attentive to the prayers offered in this place."
Tea and Coffee Rota

22 December - Jackie and Noman, Ann M.
29 December - Lorna McN, May and Ken W
5 January - Alison and Raymond M, Liz G
12 January - Marlene S. Christine L, Margaret C.
19 January - Myra S. Craig, Shona L,
A massive thank you for those who've helped during the year
This is very much appreciated, as the more helping out, the less frequent we'll be on the rotation.
If you would like to help please just let us know and we'll be happy to add your name.
Thank you
Shona L and Lorna McN
Maxwell Pray Now Group
Pray Now is a WhatsApp group for Maxwell members |
This group sends out occasional requests for prayer. In particular those which might be regarding things more acute or immediate. At present there are a number of us who, when we receive a request for prayer, stop what we are doing and pray for whatever has been asked.
Are you on the Pray Now WhatsApp Group? If you want to be added to the group to receive prayer news then simply ask Denise and she will add your number to the list.
If you have a matter that you would like to be prayed about in this way, you can contact Denise and she will organise for news to be sent out.
Getting To Church 
Should anyone require a lift to Maxwell Mearns Castle Church or to the Castle Cafe, then please do let us know.
If you are willing and able to offer a lift please speak to Norman or Denise or
Please email:
Safeguarding At Maxwell Mearns 
Safeguarding – Ensuring a Safe Church for All
If you suspect or witness harm or abuse, or it is reported to you, you must immediately report it to one of the Safeguarding Coordinators:
Rev. James (Jim) Gemmell
May Walker