No. 200 21st June 2024



23rd June 2024

10.30am Morning Service with Rev. Michael Gargrave
Scripture Reading: Acts: chapter 19: 23-32 Reader Donald McN


Soon many of us will be away for our summer break. Some have already been away so although fewer in numbers there will always be folk around the church in July and August.
You will be aware that we have ongoing problems with vandalism. On Thursday evening /night there was a fire amongst the trees just down from the castle. We are in the process of putting security cameras around the halls and church buildings before we get the graffiti cleaned and the railings replaced.
If you live locally you can help by calling the police if you see any illegal activity.

Rick Warren says in The Purpose Driven Life - Your life message includes sharing your godly passions. As you grow closer to him, he will give you a passion for something he cares about deeply so you can be a spokesman for him in the world. It may be a passion about a problem, a principle, or a group of people. Whatever it is you will feel compelled to speak up about it and to do what you can to make a difference. You cannot keep yourself from talking about what you care about most to speak up for.
God gives some people a godly passion to champion a cause. Sometimes God gives people a passion to speak up for a group of people who can’t speak for themselves. God uses passionate people to further his kingdom. He may give you a godly passion for reaching a particular group of people.
God gives us different passions so that everything he wants done in the world will get done. Not everyone will be passionate about the same things. We must listen to and value each other’s message because nobody can say it all.
This summer it is an opportunity to try out different things for everyone – greeting folk at the door, making the tea and coffee (volunteer needed for Sunday), taking the offering, reading the Gospel and probably other things I can’t bring to mind just now.
Please consider joining one of the teams because a friendly face at the door and at tea and coffee will be remembered far more than other things said and maybe encourage others to join us. Actions speak louder than words.
To celebrate the end of the session we are having special sweet treats after the service next week. It would be great if people could stay for this.
Looking forward to seeing as many as possible.


Mike's Word for the Week

‘And who of you by being worried can add a single hour to their lives.’
Matthew 6:27
A Choice About The Future
There are many times in the Bible when Jesus makes tough statements, and this is one of those moments when He leaves us in no doubt as to how He wants us to behave. He is very clear in the whole of this passage, speaking of the way we all worry about the future: His instruction is to stop it.
The essence of His teaching is that, if we are ultimately trusting in human ability to give us all that we need, then perhaps we have something to worry about because, however well intentioned, all human practice will eventually fail. If, on the other hand, we put our foundational trust in our Heavenly Father, we have no reason to worry, because He cannot and will not fail us.
We may carry anxiety from unresolved issues of trauma from the past and God certainly wants to heal those troubled places, but here He is talking about the choices we need to make for the future. 
It’s true to say that worry and anxiety have never solved any problem, and they are much more likely to shorten than to lengthen our lives. So, this is the challenge from Jesus to His followers: Instead of worrying, make a choice, today and in the future, to step into the security of His Kingdom, and discover the fullness of God’s protection, provision and peace.
Prayer: Father God, anxiety, however much I’ve tried to hide it, has been a significant part of my life. I choose today to take You at Your word and agree with you that worry is pointless, and that Your promise to meet my future needs is a reality that I can depend on, giving me the inner peace I desire - In Jesus name I pray: Amen

A Letter from Mike    

Dear Friends
Many of you will know that I step down as your locum minister after the service next Sunday. It was always my intention to work as a locum for six months to allow me to ease myself into retirement. I wish to thank you all for the welcome, encouragement and acceptance I have received and I have thoroughly enjoyed my time as your locum.
I am aware that there is shortage of locums in Glasgow Presbytery, and it may be that Maxwell will not be given a replacement locum immediately and you may have different people leading services for a time. I must admit to feeling guilty over this and I have a sense of letting you down and I deeply apologise for this. However, I have prayed through this issue, and I feel ready to stand down.
Mary and I will still be with you as we are committed to Maxwell as members, and we will both play our part in the life of the congregation. I hope to play bass and guitar during services (if I pass the audition!) and I will be happy to lead services if called upon. Mary is already training on the sound desk and taking part on the coffee/tea rota.
I hope you will understand my wish to retire, and I look forward to coming to church to worship rather than coming because I am contracted to do so. I’ve been being paid to come to church for the past 20 years and it’s time I came simply to worship the Lord.
Thanks again for the part you have all played in the past six months. May God guide Maxwell in the months ahead.

17th June 2024

Prayer  for Maxwell

praying hands. 1During the month of June the Sanctuary will be open twice a week from 11.00 until 12.00 for us to pray. Every Tuesday and Thursday - 25th June and 27th June are the last days in June
We can pray in groups or alone; spoken or in silence and come and go as you please for the full hour or 20 minutes. Come as often as you like.
We each can have aspirations as to our future in Maxwell and beyond but we above all else seek God’s will  in all things.


The prayer group next meets Thursday 4 July at 7.30 pm. in West Room and all are welcome. You may pray aloud or in silence.
"Where two or three gather in my name there am I with them" Matthew 18:20

"If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from Heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land. Now my eyes will be open and my ears attentive to the prayers offered in this place."


Tea and Coffee Rota

bring own cup
23 June - Shona L. + Volunteers please
30 June - Shona L. Lesley Y, Jackie McK. Sheona K.

If you are able please pop your name on the rota.
The more folk help, the less frequently you will be called upon.

We are really trying to become greener and it really helps if people bring their own cups/mugs.

Thank you
Shona L and Lorna McN

Maxwell Pray Now Group

Pray Now is a WhatsApp group for Maxwell members
pray now
This group sends out occasional requests for prayer. In particular those which might be regarding things more acute or immediate. At present there are 17 of us who, when we receive a request for prayer, stop what we are doing and pray for whatever has been asked.

Are you on the Pray Now WhatsApp Group? If you want to be added to the group to receive prayer news then simply ask Denise and she will add your number to the list.

If you have a matter that you would like to be prayed about in this way, you can contact Denise and she will organise for news to be sent out.

Getting To Church

Should anyone require a lift to Maxwell Mearns Castle Church or to the Castle Cafe, then please do let us know. If you are willing and able to offer a lift please speak to Norman or Denise or
Please email:

Safeguarding At Maxwell Mearns

Safeguarding – Ensuring a Safe Church for All 

If you suspect or witness harm or abuse, or it is reported to you, you must immediately report it to one of the Safeguarding Coordinators:

Rev. Dave Sutherland

May Walker