No. 199 16th June 2024



16th June 2024

10.30am Morning Service with Rev. Michael Gargrave
Scripture Reading: Acts: chapter 17: 16-34 Reader Ken W.


This week we have several opportunities for the congregation to meet.
On Tuesday  the sanctuary is open for an hour of prayer for Maxwell from 11 am. to noon.
On Wednesday the hall doors will open at 7.15 pm so you can get settled ready to watch Scotland play Switzerland with other activities alongside - details below.
On Thursday the sanctuary is open again from 11 am until noon for prayer for Maxwell.
In the evening we have our fortnightly evening of prayer in the West Room from 7.30 pm.
It is good to meet together in various situations so we can strengthen our church family ties and get to know each other better.

In other news the Playgroup's final day was Thursday. Due to the lack of numbers of children registered for next session it just wasn't viable to keep it open. We are grateful for all the people who have been involved with the playgroup over the years. It's the end of a chapter in the history of Maxwell but on the other hand our Toddler group gets busier and if anyone can help please speak to Shona K or Ann M. They will be closing at the end of the month for the summer break but will be back in August / September.

If you would like some summer reading there is plenty of choice on the book table at the back of the church. Feel free to browse and take away as many books as you wish.
The various jams have been replenished - all donations raised benefit Blythswood Care boxes.

We will also be having special sweet treats on Sunday 30 June after the service with our tea and coffee. As it's the end of the session and the end of Mike's time as our locum minister it would be great if as many as possible could remain behind for a short time of fellowship.


Mike's Word for the Week

When one rules over people in righteousness, he rules in the fear of God.
He is like the light of morning at sunrise on a cloudless morning,
like the brightness after rain that brings grass from the earth.’

2 Samuel 23: 3-5
We are in the midst of election campaigning and there is so much talk about what constitutes good leadership. When political leaders are accused of breaking their own rules, it leaves people angry and disgruntled about the apparent hypocrisy. Whatever the rights and wrongs of a particular situation, we somehow expect great things of leaders and are often disappointed that the don’t seem to live up their high ideals. Even King David, often considered Israel’s greatest king, acted in terrible ways culminating in the arranged murder of one of his own army officers. We might be left wondering is there is any leader worth following.  
The verses above form part of the last recorded words of King David. Unlike other ‘last words’ recorded in the Bible, which often constitute a blessing, these words form something more akin to a prophecy about a future kingdom, which will be led by an altogether more worthy ruler.
David looks forward to a universal ruler who is righteous because he rules in the fear of God. And because he rules in this way, David describes the result of that rule with imagery that suggests it will be refreshing, reviving, and renewing for all who live in his kingdom, and for the world. When David goes on to suggest that this coming ‘ruler’ will be from his own family line (verse 5), it’s clear that he is pointing to the Messianic King who was to come, and whom we now know to be Jesus.
What speaks to me powerfully about this prophecy is the way that David describes the one who lives in such a way. They are seeking to put God first, they hate hypocrisy and want to please God in the manner that they live, and they bring refreshment and blessing to the world around them. For all of us who now live under the Lordship of Christ, this is part of our call too. Whether or not we are called to exercise a position of leadership, on a personal or global scale; we too can be those who bring light to the world. As we live to please God, keeping our lives in step with His word, and being people of truth and love, we too can bring renewal to those around us. What a calling !

Prayer: Dear Father, thank you that, when Jesus came into the world, He fulfilled the prophetic hope of David and showed us what true, godly leadership looks like. Help us today to follow in that way and thereby bring Your light and brightness into the world around us. Through the leading and guiding of Your Holy Spirit, may we live for Christ and make Him known, In Jesus name: Amen

Fellowship, Fun and Football

euros2024We are having a social evening on Wednesday 19 June for the congregation, family and friends.
For those of you who wish to watch Scotland play Switzerland the match starts at 8 pm.
Alternatively if you are not interested in football, you can make bracelets for the Blythswood shoe box appeal. Full instructions will be given.
Maybe you just want to come for the chat.
The choice is yours.

There will be tea & coffee, light nibbles & pizza.
We shall meet in the flat - depending upon numbers.

Please give your names to Donald or Graeme on Sunday so we know for how many to cater  and in which room we will be most comfortable.

Feel free to turn up from 7.15 pm onwards and let's make this a night to remember in more ways than one.
Hope to see you there.


Session and Board Meeting

The Session and Board will meet tomorrow on Monday 17 June at 7.30 pm. in the West Room

Prayer  for Maxwell

praying hands. 1During the month of June the Sanctuary will be open twice a week from 11.00 until 12.00 for us to pray. Every Tuesday and Thursday.
We can pray in groups or alone; spoken or in silence and come and go as you please for the full hour or 20 minutes. Come as often as you like.

We each can have aspirations as to our future in Maxwell and beyond but we above all else seek God’s will  in all things.


The prayer group next meets Thursday 20 June at 7.30 in West Room and all are welcome. You may pray aloud or in silence.
"Where two or three gather in my name there am I with them" Matthew 18:20

"If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from Heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land. Now my eyes will be open and my ears attentive to the prayers offered in this place."


Music in the Mearns Concert

Our friends at Newton Mearns Parish Church have  invited us to this event.
240606 Music in The Mearns 001

Tea and Coffee Rota

bring own cup
16 JUNE - Shona L, Lesley Y, Dave McL.
23 JUNE - Mary G.

Mary will need some help on Sunday 23rd June so if you are able please fill in some of the spaces on the rota

The more folk help, the less frequently you will be called upon.

We are really trying to become greener and it really helps if people bring their own cups/mugs.

Thank you
Shona L and Lorna McN

Maxwell Pray Now Group

Pray Now is a WhatsApp group for Maxwell members
pray now
This group sends out occasional requests for prayer. In particular those which might be regarding things more acute or immediate. At present there are 17 of us who, when we receive a request for prayer, stop what we are doing and pray for whatever has been asked.

Are you on the Pray Now WhatsApp Group? If you want to be added to the group to receive prayer news then simply ask Denise and she will add your number to the list.

If you have a matter that you would like to be prayed about in this way, you can contact Denise and she will organise for news to be sent out.

Getting To Church

Should anyone require a lift to Maxwell Mearns Castle Church or to the Castle Cafe, then please do let us know. If you are willing and able to offer a lift please speak to Norman or Denise or
Please email:

Safeguarding At Maxwell Mearns

Safeguarding – Ensuring a Safe Church for All 

If you suspect or witness harm or abuse, or it is reported to you, you must immediately report it to one of the Safeguarding Coordinators:

Rev. Dave Sutherland

May Walker