No. 196 24th May 2024



26th May 2024

10.30am Morning Service with Rev. Dave Sutherland
Scripture Reading Acts 13:1-12 Reader Ken W


Another holiday weekend and we are into the last week of May. There are not that many weeks until we slow down and enjoy the summer break and there seem to be so many things to do. It seems as though I am wishing the weeks away - far from it. Every day should count.

Our buildings are constantly in need of maintenance and it's great when things run smoothly but often they  don't. We can get bogged down and frustrated with the minutiae. When we get frustrated we become annoyed at how long things take and then negative thoughts pop up and we start to wonder if it's all worth it.
We don't know what the future holds for us at Maxwell - even in the short term. This causes worry and uncertainty and can take over our thoughts. We should counter this with prayer. We can pray as individuals, on a Sunday in the service and at the Prayer meeting held every fortnight. We can leave all our worries in God's hands.
Matthew  says- 
"Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own" Matthew 6:34,
This verse is a reminder to avoid anxiety about worldly things and to trust in God to take care of us tomorrow.
Our thoughts and words can hinder us from moving freely in the grace of God. 
Let us all play a part and ask for God's blessing for our church family here at Maxwell.
No one can do it alone;  we are one body with many parts and gifts. 
Please ask yourself what you can do - practically there are opportunities detailed below but we can all do something and that is the most important - pray.


Mike's Word for the Week

He who walks with the wise, grows wise,
but a companion of fools suffers harm. 
Proverbs 13:20
Walking With The Wise
Mary and I have just returned from a wonderful holiday in Italy with our good friends Fiona and Joe. It was Joe who God used to bring to faith and he is a wise and valued friend. It makes a difference which friends we choose! What they say and do will have an effect on what we say and do, and their manners will have an effect on our manners. The choice of friends may well be a choice of lifestyle for ourselves.
As a young man I once got a good advice: “If you see someone being used by God, keep close to them, and learn all you can from them.” I still think that is one of the best pieces of advice I ever got. I just wish I had seen more people who had stirred my heart to want to walk with them.
Often we don´t choose our friends, we just make friends with those who happen to be near us. Of course it is always good to be friendly, but many such friendships will not be very deep, and not very lasting. I think Paul was quite careful when he chose his companions, but some of those chosen were obviously not as serious as Paul was. They got a chance to acquire wisdom by walking with Paul, but they didn´t take it. They had a chance to learn to be people of God, but they found the price too high. They were not prepared to walk with Paul when the going got rough. There seems always to be an easier road available, and it may be very tempting to take that instead. But it may be at the cost of never growing wise because wisdom is imparted through long-time relationship, not through the occasional meeting.
When Jesus chose His disciples, He made careful choices. A night´s prayer vigil, and that was very likely not the only preparations He made, and then He chose those twelve men. And it was a choice to allow them to walk with Him, listen to Him, and see Him both work and rest. We sometimes think the disciples got their gifting and their wisdom when the Holy Spirit came upon them, and what had been before was of little significance. Nothing could be more wrong. By literally walking with Jesus, they learned from Him: learned to think, talk and act like the Master. They learned to stay with Him, to pray with Him, and to trust Him.
And when the Holy Spirit came, He gave them the authority to do what they had learnt, and also to choose other people to walk with, and impart wisdom into.
Today, it you meet a Godly person, walk with them as long as you can and as close as you can, and you will acquire the wisdom that is pure, peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and since (James 3:17). Don’t be put off by the road leading through unexpected territory. People of God make more visits to deserts that to palaces, and they spend more time in lonely places than in the church. That is one of their characteristics that they share with the wisest, most gracious man of all, Jesus Christ; Amen

Session and Board Meeting

Please note that the next Session and Congregational Board meeting will be held on
Monday 10 June at 7.30 pm. in the West Room.

CommunionCommuni0on Banner

We are looking for people who are willing to assist in the serving
of communion.
Having a bank of people to call upon would be the ideal.

If you are able to help with this ministry please speak to Norman or Mike

Musical Notes

I’m sure I don’t need to tell you that your Sunday music group very           Scale
much enjoys leading the congregation with the songs and hymns.  We love to hear the congregation in full voice – and you don’t let us down.
However – it would be great if we could add to our numbers.
At this time I would love to be able to  welcome another two people to join the singing group. I know you will enjoy it.  This will enable us to set up a wee bit of a rota so that folk can have a holiday now and then.  Please think about it and let me know if you can help us.
Looking further ahead – watch out for some exciting musical news about Christmas –  Ok I know we still have the summer to look forward to but -  yes, we do plan ahead!!
Ian G

Food Hygiene Coordinator/s

Healthy food
We are looking for one or two people to be Coordinator/s for Food Hygiene. There will be a great deal of support from Church of Scotland and Royal Environmental Health Institute of Scotland.
This will include good practices and training for everyone who handles food.

Isobel has volunteered but would like some company. Please speak to her if you would be willing to be part of this  work in our church.

Heating in the Church and Halls

We have been adjusting the heating to provide an adequate level of warmth on Sundays and at other times when we know the church is in use.
If the settings are over ridden then this can affect the programme start and stop times.
As a result there have been times when the heating has remained on for 2-3 days. This is having an impact on our electricity costs.
It would be appreciated if any changes are required, that you speak to Allan L. or Sandy L.

With the arrival of the warmer weather the heating in the Maxwell Hall has been turned off. Should there be any problems please speak to Alistair K.


Blythswood 1We would like to thank members of the congregation who have been placing items in our blue box for us to use in the Shoebox Appeal. It is much appreciated and allows us to help even more of our brothers and sisters in poorer parts of Eastern Europe.
I have topped up the jam should anyone wish to partake of a jar or two.

Denise and Lesley


A couple of months ago we noted in church that East Renfrewshire Good Causes had gone over the £2 million mark in terms of the support and funding it has distributed over the last 17 years. 

It is good to see that this is being noted publicly as well. An article appeared in the Barrhead News recently and from my years of experience in Barrhead I know what this respected journal prints has to be significant!

Well done to Russell and all those involved (happy to include myself in that group) - and we are always open to further volunteers to help deliver the packs.

Andy Sinclair

Family Fun Day 

Broom Family Fun DayBroom Church are having a family fun day next Sunday afternoon to which we are all invited. 


Musical Event

musical lollipops 1Eaglesham Parish Church are hosting a musical event in the church on Sunday 2nd June at 2.30pm - showcasing local talent - called Musical Lollipops!

It promises to be a lovely afternoon of light entertainment with refreshments in the halls afterwards.    Suggested donations of £5 per person / £10 per family are welcome for the church organ fund.   The programme features The Eaglesham Community Choir, The Elastic Band, Alan Gillon (our organist) and – children from Eaglesham Primary School.


Tea / Coffee Rota

bring own cup
26 May - Lorna, Shona, May and Ken
2 June - Sheona K, Mary G and Ruth B.

There are spaces on the rota so please consider putting your name down for the rota as the more folk help, the less frequently you will be called upon.

We are really trying to become greener and it really helps if people bring their own cups/mugs.

Thank you
Shona L and Lorna McN

Castle Cafe

Short and Sweet
Everyone welcome - even if you've never been before!

castle cafeThe final meeting of the Castle Cafe for this session will take place on Thursday 30th May at 2pm in the West Room. 

We are looking forward to welcoming Short and Sweet 

Do come along for entertainment, refreshments - with cake and plenty of chat. We look forward to seeing as many of you as possible

Norman and Jackie

Bible Study

bibles rounded low

A group of us are studying Acts to complement the Minister's preaching schedule.
We next meet at the Leonards on Tuesday 4th June
17 Castlehill Drive from 1.30 pm. to 3.00 pm.
Everyone is welcome. Refreshments provided.

Further information from:

Maxwell Pray Now Group

Pray Now is a WhatsApp group for Maxwell members
pray now
This group sends out occasional requests for prayer. In particular those which might be regarding things more acute or immediate. At present there are 17 of us who, when we receive a request for prayer, stop what we are doing and pray for whatever has been asked.

Are you on the Pray Now WhatsApp Group? If you want to be added to the group to receive prayer news then simply ask  and I will add your number to the list.

If you have a matter that you would like to be prayed about in this way, you can contact me  and I will organise for news to be sent out.


Getting To Church

Should anyone require a lift to Maxwell Mearns Castle Church or to the Castle Cafe, then please do let us know. If you are willing and able to offer a lift please speak to Norman or Denise or
Please email:

Safeguarding At Maxwell Mearns

Safeguarding – Ensuring a Safe Church for All 
If you suspect or witness harm or abuse, or it is reported to you, you must immediately report it to one of the Safeguarding Coordinators:

Rev. Dave Sutherland:  

May Taggart