new mag header
No.159.  16th June 2023

Hope you have been enjoying the lovely weather - and the torrential downpours...a bit warm for some no doubt.
There is lots going on this Sunday and actually across church life throughout the week - plenty of news below.

Do you like looking down on others in Maxwell?  I really do and get a chance about once a month to do that with others.
If you want to look down on others find out more information below.

Enjoy the mag!


sunday morningSunday 18 June

 Pauline and Jacob
 Hebrews ch11

This Sunday is the Hizkidz Prize Giving Family Service.

We would love for you to join us as we get to celebrate the young folk of our church.

hizkidz youth

If you have any kids who are going into S1 after the summer we would love to invite them to youth on Sunday evening
7pm-9pm in the church halls. First half games followed by bible study and teaching.
If they would like to come along get in contact with Jacob (07414278124)

From the Manse

Dear Congregation,scott and anita
I preached recently from 1st Peter 5.1-4 where the Apostle Peter stresses the importance of elders overseeing the life of a local congregation. Indirectly, Peter is stressing the New Testament truth of the central importance of the local part of Christ’s universal church. The clue to this importance is evidenced in the names of the New Testament letters (“to the Church of the Thessalonians”, “to the Saints in Ephesus” and so on). Paul addresses the local church. It is always at a local level that Christ’s universal church worships and serves her Lord.

Given this emphasis on the local church and some of my more negative comments recently about our denomination I thought it might be worth reflecting briefly on what this thing we call a “denomination” is (in our case “The Church Of Scotland”). I had hoped to attach my thoughts this week, but I leave you on tenterhooks for a later date as I want to reflect a little more on this!

However, here at Maxwell Mearns Castle Church, we are an important local part of Christ’s universal church. We are important because we belong to Christ. Our importance is only because of the One to whom we belong!
Some of you have benefitted from the ministry of Rev Tim Keller, a Presbyterian minister who served his local congregation in Manhattan, New York City. I am sure like me, you were saddened to hear of his death recently.
As I think about how our hearts might be increasingly burdened for the community of Newton Mearns, the analysis of David Brooks on Tim Keller’s heart for Manhattan may be helpful to us. 
“Planting a growing, influential church in New York City, Tim never saw New York as a kind of irredeemable Sodom and Gomorrah against which to rail. He could have done that easily, if not in New York itself, then certainly to raise money and get attention across the country. He could have pictured himself as a besieged evangelical Christian with lurid stories about how the decadent culture of New York was coming eventually to your house if you didn’t support his efforts to fight it. He never did that—not even in private conversations. It wasn’t just that Tim loved New York—although he certainly did. It’s also that he never saw his fellow New Yorkers—including those most hostile to the Christian gospel—as irredeemable. He wasn’t intellectually intimidated to share the gospel with some of the smartest people in the world, and that wasn’t only because he was usually far smarter than they were. He had a confidence in the reality of Christ, in the truthfulness of the Bible, and in the life-giving power of the Spirit. He remembered what it was like to be an unbeliever pursued by a loving God. (You can hear the podcast here.)

On a different matter of love and joy…The fast approaching next wedding in our extended church family (and “off-campus”) is next weekend (24th June). Jack and Liz Geddes will delight in gaining a new daughter-in-law as Graeme and Jane marry in The Torrance Hotel. Marriage is such a significant event for any couple marrying, the family and in fact, society. Let’s therefore rejoice with the families but also pray for this young couple as they enter into this life-long commitment to one another.

With warmest regards

It's a Boy!!

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Thane Philip McFarlane Campbell was born on Thursday weighing 7 lbs.
Congratulations to Thane and Christy.
The family is grateful for the church's prayers and support and all are well!
(Apparently dad Thane did really well throughout!)


08-05 Church of Scotland crisi

Recently Scott has written in the magazine about the decisions being made at a Presbytery group level and at the General Assembly.
Bryson was also asked to write on these topics and in case you missed these short but important articles the  links are below...

If the Church of Scotland is to simply require allegiance to the Apostles Creed and Nicene Creed (which it will for new ministers and elders), and the Westminster Confession is included as a lesser part of the package of confessional standards, then the Westminster Confession of Faith will be subordinate to the other creeds.  If this is the case, it gives up its association as a reformed body. 
The primary issue arising from the proposal of the Theological Forum is that we change from the Westminster Confession of Faith, as it is too weighty a comprehensive exhaustive and profound statement regarding the Reformed faith, to a makeshift package of the two most ancient documents which are not in themselves adequate as a statement of Reformed faith. Statements of vital doctrine such as ‘Justification by Faith’ are missing. Indeed, there is no mention of salvation anywhere! Such a silence cannot be taken to form a reformed statement of faith. Therefore, by the Church of Scotland’s efforts to become more relevant and accessible to the modern scientific mind-set, their proposals will not preserve the reformed nature of the Church, but rather, inevitably disembowel it.

Read the article here.

The Call of the Church - extract:
The central theme of salvation through the death of Christ on the Cross has been omitted by the Theological Forum
– a deathly silence on the critical doctrine of atonement.  If we are saved by the life of Christ and not the death, then this is in direct conflict with the Westminster Confession of Faith and renders the call of the Church impotent. 
You can read his paper 'The Call of God to the Church' here.

Youth Work

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From Jacob:
Please pray for the after school cafe that's starting up in the church basement on Wednesdays from 3-5pm for S1-S6 .
Pray for the young folk who come along and for opportunities for good conversations.

Urgent short term cleaning requirement


We are currently without a cleaner.   We are desperately needing a team of willing volunteers to do about half an hour on a Friday or Saturday to prepare the Sanctuary for Sunday services.  Please contact Sue or Calum if you are able to help.  If we get some names, we are hoping to only have to use you once or twice over the next few weeks.
Thank you so much.

Ladybird Book of Maxwell

Ladybird book of end times

Castle Coffee Club 

On Tuesday we’re planning a Strawberry Afternoon Tea at the Coffee Club which will be our last session until after the summer.
Even if the sun’s no longer shining, I’m sure we’ll have a lovely afternoon together and will appreciate Scott bringing us the Maxwell Message. 
Even if you’ve not been before please feel free to come along on Tuesday at 1.30pm. You’ll be very welcome.

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Three Chairs for Heather  - Hip Hip...

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Actually it's more than 3 chairs...

Our special thanks go to Heather Russell who has repaired the damaged backs of several of the chairs.
No two chairs were the same in terms of damage and I am sure this was a time consuming task!
As you can see the fabric she used really suits the chairs and improves the overall appearance. 
Elizabeth S

Save the Date

Deborah and Andy's Wedding

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Deborah Dodds and Andy Hutton are getting married at Maxwell!

Friday 21st July at 12.30pm

All are welcome to attend the service and there will be tea/coffee afterwards in the hall.

Playgroup Class

of 2022-2023


As I oversee directly the Playgroup, I have to confess I shared with Fiona Waugh the heavy burden of wondering about the future of the Playgroup after COVID.
We had basically to start from scratch. It was truly a time for serious prayer for the possibility of a new roll of children, the finances and the staffing...basically everything! 
However, the Lord is not done with this part of our church life!

As we close this current year, we do so with a great team, solid finances and a full roll of kids! Even more exciting is the fact that we already have a completely full roll (and overflowing) for the three days we shall begin in August. 
I thank Fiona and the team (June, Pauline, Lesley, Gloria, all the bank-staff of Cathy, Heather and Fiona) who have stepped in when required.
And, huge thanks to Fiona Waugh who manages the kids and team so excellently!

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I could have filled the whole magazine with wonderful reviews from parents, but here are just a few:

We are happy with members of staff...because they are ...
"very welcoming and take a keen interest in our child; 
friendly, caring and competent;
kind, caring and compassionate; 
nothing is any trouble; 
friendly, approachable and professional; 
they work extremely hard to provide fun-filled learning; 
the ratio is better than other Playgroups..."

"Staff had all the paperwork organised as they take consideration of each child/parent's needs"
"I would like to say how fantastic a Playgroup it is. There is a real warmth in the place and I'm so pleased my friend recommended it to me." 
"I come from an education background and the Playgroup really does amaze me."
"Keep doing what you are doing. It is a great service and I feel as though my child has developed a lot since coming to you."    
"Maxwell Mearns Playgroup has been a joy from start to finish"




It's nearly the summer holidays which means it's nearly time for holiday club!
This year we are joining Lady Flora at The Great Glen Green Welly Garden Show! 

Registration is now open on Eventbrite!  Click here to sign up

Spaces are limited so make sure you get your children/grandchildren signed up as soon as possible.
he advert will be appearing on Facebook so please share if you can.
There will be printed flyers and posters available in the sanctuary and halls foyer.
Please take some flyers and hand them to neighbours, friends etc and if you know of anywhere that a poster could go up then please feel free to do that too! 
As always we need a large team of volunteers to make holiday club happen. There are roles available for everyone from working directly with the children during the week to making drinks, purchasing food, baking, security, preparing craft materials in advance, clearing and resetting the sanctuary and most importantly, joining the prayer team. If you can help in anyway, however small then please follow this link to complete the form or speak to Pauline for a paper copy. 

Pauline Forster

Looking down on others!
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Do you like looking down on others - it's very enjoyable to do with a group of others.

If you want to be in the Balcony helping with the Audio Visual (sound desk and slides) then speak with Eilidh or Cara.
Full training is given and you are always on duty with someone else.

Pulse logo

Wednesdays - 7.15- 8.15pm
One hour together to hear a reflection on the Bible and to pray for and give thanks for Maxwell, for each other, for the global church and much more.

For the rest of summer 2023, our prayer is as core, basic, and impassioned as this: Father, Abba, Father… restore to us our first love for Jesus. Fill us to over-flowing with the Holy Spirit. Make the Gospel so palpably real again, Jesus so unavoidably beautiful and precious to us, and the life of heaven so alluring … we will live and love to your glory all the way Home. So Very Amen.  (Scotty Smith)

Glasgow City Mission

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All the details for this job can be found here

pray now

Pray Now  is a WhatsApp group for Maxwell members

It sends out occasional requests for prayer. In particular those which might be regarding things more acute or immediate.
Speak with Margaret Boyd is you would like to be added to this important ministry at MMCC, or just to find out more.

Car Parking

Can you help?
If you are able, please can you to start using the school car park again as we did pre-lockdown?
Numbers attending services are encouragingly high and it would be really helpful if those that are able could leave spaces in the main car park for those who have greater need.
 Safeguarding at Maxwell Mearns 

Safeguarding – Ensuring a Safe Church for All 

If you suspect or witness harm or abuse, or it is reported to you, you must immediately report it to one of the Safeguarding Coordinators:
Sue Anderson – 07970 261429 
Stewart Martin – 07766437216 
Elaine Taggart - 07746876280