No.149. 7th April
Hope this finds you well, and you have a good Easter weekend to look forward to.
I'm told that the earliest book in the New Testament was possibly the letter to Galatians... it starts with:
"Paul, an apostle--sent not from men nor by man, but by Jesus Christ and God the Father, who raised him from the dead..."
Paul doesn't hang about and is straight in with what is key, and where he finds his identity and motivation for living.
Or we could also go to another early writing from Paul (to the Corinthians)... written a bit later perhaps but he refers to what they have
always been aware of and hung on to...
"Now, brothers and sisters, I want to remind you of the gospel I preached to you, which you received and on which you have taken your stand. ...For what I received I passed on to you as of first importance : that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures, and that he appeared to Cephas, and then to the Twelve. After that, he appeared to more than five hundred of the brothers and sisters at the same time..."
The death and resurrection was key for Paul, it was key for the apostles and the believers from the very earliest days of the church - and it remains central for us too. Give thanks that at Maxwell we have a ministry which is committed to the same Gospel and that Scott's preaching has the work of Jesus on the Cross, and his victorious resurrection, always in line of sight.
Michael Reeves puts it like this:
“Learn much of the Lord Jesus. For every look at yourself, take ten looks at Christ. He is altogether lovely. Such infinite majesty, and yet such meekness and grace, and all for sinners, even the chief. Live much in the smiles of God. Bask in His beams. Feel His all-seeing eye settled on you in love, and repose in His almighty arms. . .
I was being teased at work by a couple of colleagues this week when I mentioned looking forward to the weekend - 'Gotta celebrate Jesus' - was how they put it!
'Too right! 'I replied - 'He's untouchable - says wonderful things and then backs it up with actions'....and then I sent them one of my fav 90 sec clips.
(You can enjoy it here too.)
Enjoy the mag.
Sunday 9th April
Rev Scott Kirkland
Bible passage: Luke 24
Sunday (9th April) at 6.30pm
at Cathcart Trinity Church.
Finish Easter Sunday well by joining with others for this praise event.
From the Manse
Dear Congregation,
What a lovely privilege to have extra services of worship this week and gather with local believers.
We shall have a service of worship this evening, Friday at 7pm at Maxwell. We hope that others will join us from our local congregations.
There is also opportunity to rise early and worship firstly at Broom Car Park (6.30am) and then after a short walk also at the Trig Point at the High School. Breakfast will be served in our halls. If you would like to help with that breakfast please contact Sue Anderson
We shall have an Easter service at 10.30am, as normal.
Please remember to invite your neighbours and friends to our special film/drama on 16th April (7pm). You can see details below. The main actor is Stephen Baldwin whose brother is the more famous (infamous?) actor, Alec Baldwin. Like Alec, Stephen is an actor but is importantly a Christian believer also. This is a powerful dramatization of the last day of the man we call “The thief on the cross”. He tells the story of how he began his day a criminal with a death sentence and ended up in paradise with Jesus.
A very interesting “Inquiry” occurred recently in Court 1 at the Court of Session, Parliament House, Edinburgh. This event was modelled on the Scottish procedure of a Fatal Accident Inquiry, with witnesses including the soldier overseeing the death, the High Priest who instigated it, the friend Mary Magdalen who saw it and expert witness Paul of Tarsus who proposes an explanation for the death of “Jesus Davidson”.
The purpose of the Inquiry was to:
Establish the circumstances of the death, and
Consider what steps (if any) might be taken to have prevented this, and other deaths in similar circumstances You can see this drama unfold
here. This was organised by the Lawyers Christian Fellowship.
On a different matter about banners in church: In January 2020 we removed all the pews to replace them with individual seating. What a blessing that has proven to be for both comfort and flexibility. We have been able to use the sanctuary far more because of this flexibility.
We took advantage of that moment to paint the sanctuary. This meant removing the banners from the walls. Unfortunately, almost immediately COVID restrictions closed the building. Later when we reopened the premises, we discovered that mysteriously some of the pieces of scaffolding needed for hanging the banners had gone missing. We have only recently purchased replacement parts.
A small group of elders are now looking into the possibility of re-hanging banners and will report their considerations to the Session in May. Hopefully, we shall be able to use the scaffolding to erect whatever the outcome these conversations bring.
On the different matter of the Presbytery Plan:
I met with my colleagues to discuss the allocation of FTEs on 5th April (“Full Time Equivalent” posts of which our cluster of five congregations has been given 3). I don’t want to report to you the detail of these discussions as they presently form a “discussion document” now being presented to Kirk Sessions. However, I mention this document and these proposals for your serious prayer. If passed, the outcomes are a long way from what our elders believe should be in the Presbytery Plan for Maxwell. Please pray. I want to commend before you the time, care and prayer our elders are putting into this matter as they seek God on how best to guide us forward as a congregation.
Still on the Presbytery Plan, we have been “cited” by Presbytery to attend a meeting on 25th April at Cambuslang Parish Church. This citation is a formal procedure because decisions to be made at the meeting will affect us. Our “Zone 4” in The Plan will be discussed at 7.20pm. We have no changes to make to the proposals already decided (and you know from previous letters) and so we do not propose to speak. You are welcome to go along.
Hope you are so encouraged and strengthened in your faith in our wonderful risen Saviour, this Easter.
Warmest regards
A Good Reminder.
3 crosses erected on Brent Knoll overlooking the M5 for Easter week by local churches.
The Easter eggs are in the shops for so long that some people are actually unaware when Easter weekend is…every little (and big) reminder helps.
Sunday Lunch
Join us after church on Sunday 16th April for Soup and a Roll lunch where we will be fundraising for the work of SU Scotland and some of its international partners including Ukraine. If you would like to join the great group of volunteers who will helping out, get in touch with Jacob (
More details to follow.
Heaven - How I Got There
Sunday 16th April, 7pm (in sanctuary)
We are showing a drama "Heaven - How I Got There" which is based on how the “thief on the cross” ended up beside Jesus on a cross and then amazingly with him in glory. Based on Luke’s Gospel.
This is a great opportunity to bring a friend so they can hear the Gospel in an extremely well dramatized way!
Sponsor a Child
I’m sure many of you sponsor a child through Compassion UK . This organisation uses local Christian projects ,around the world ,to help in a child’s education, health issues and life skills , all done in Jesus name and centred around Bible teaching.
I recently discovered its App and this is a really helpful, and easy , way to access all your child’s background information, all your previous letters and gift details and appropriate prayer pointers . Worth getting.
Lynda McP
Thanks From Janette Ferguson
Janette, Innes, Neil and the family would like to say thank you for all the love and support shown to us over the past few years and to those who attended Gordon's funeral. He was well remembered. Thank You!
Ladybird Book of Maxwell
Meanwhile down the front...
It's always been a topic for much debate as to why people tend to sit in the pews at the back and leave big gaps at the front...however, if you are going to be picked on to take part in various dramas maybe there is good reason after all.
Captions welcome as ever of course...Here Colin is drafted in to play his part in the Palm Sunday retelling. Complaints from the actors guild Equity, the WWF and the local donkey sanctuary are currently being handled by the elders.
10 Words
Continuing four series of 10 Biblical Words...these words have the ability to point us to the truth and provide a path to live life to the fullest. Yet there are many words that can be confusing to the average reader. Understanding a little more about these 10 words will undoubtedly unlock deeper meaning as we seek to listen to God’s Word.
5. Salvation
“Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved” (Acts 4:12).
In the beginning, we were created to be with God. Adam and Eve walked with God in the garden of Eden, and were in perfect relationship with him. Then sin entered the world, and we have all been burdened with sin, death, and separation from God ever since. Every day we can see sin’s destruction around us. Yet God has not abandoned us!
Through Jesus, the only person to ever life a fully sinless life, we can be saved from sin. Because of his death on the cross, he has taken our sin upon himself, and when we accept this salvation, we can be born again to a life that acknowledges and turns away from our sinful nature. This salvation is the greatest gift we could ever imagine, and this alone will bring us peace with God and others.
6. Sanctification
“To open their eyes and turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan to God, so that they may receive forgiveness of sins and a place among those who are sanctified by faith in me” (Acts 26:18).
What does it mean to be sanctified by faith? The word sanctification comes from the Latin word sanctus, meaning holy. Therefore, to be sanctified is to be made holy.
So how is this different from salvation? Salvation is the change that happens in the moment we receive Christ as savior, and the Holy Spirit begins to dwell within us. Sanctification is different in that it is a life-long process of being made holy, becoming more like Christ every day. When we are saved, we receive his holiness within ourselves, but that is not the end of things! Through prayer, Scripture, and discipleship, we are daily being made more and more in his image. God’s gift of grace is not simply a one-time event, but a process of daily taking up our cross and following Jesus.
Pray Now is a WhatsApp group for Maxwell members
It sends out occasional requests for prayer. In particular those which might be regarding things more acute or immediate.
Speak with Margaret Boyd is you would like to be added to this important ministry at MMCC, or just to find out more.
The Scottish Reformed Conference (SRC) is a unique event in the Scottish Christian calendar at which believers of all ages and denominations gather to know the benefit and blessing of faithful ministry of the highest calibre as well as the delight of warm, Christian fellowship. It is our prayer that God will continue to use the SRC to bless, encourage and inspire His people and to enable them to enjoy fellowship and friendship across denominational boundaries.
We are delighted to announce that this year’s conference will take place on Saturday 13th May 2023. It is our prayerful hope that you will join us and gather in good number for faithful ministry and warm fellowship.
Our speakers for 2023 will be Dr Kevin De Young and Dr Sinclair Ferguson
Scottish Day Conference
22nd April @ Abbeygreen Church,
Lesmahagow 10am-2.30pm
We are looking forward with eager anticipation to our Scottish Day Conference on 22nd April and to hearing from some of our mission partners, who are involved in different areas of ministry in partnership with UFM, about their ongoing part in the work of making disciples of all nations. There will also be a short update on the work of UFM generally.
We warmly invite you to join us for this day conference. We trust that you will be encouraged to hear of some of our ongoing mission work and encouraged in your prayers for mission. We trust that some will be encouraged to connect further with the mission work we will hear about. The mission partners sharing are Justin Black(100fold), Andy B(E Europe) & Ruth McGarvey (France). There will a sandwich lunch provided.
Ruairidh MacLean , Area Director based in Scotland
UFM Worldwide
Car Parking
Can you help?
If you are able, please can you to start using the school car park again as we did pre-lockdown?
Numbers attending services are encouragingly high and it would be really helpful if those that are able could leave spaces in the main car park for those who have greater need.
Safeguarding at Maxwell Mearns
Safeguarding – Ensuring a Safe Church for All
If you suspect or witness harm or abuse, or it is reported to you, you must immediately report it to one of the Safeguarding Coordinators:
Sue Anderson – 07970 261429
Stewart Martin – 07766437216
Elaine Taggart - 07746876280