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No.137.    13th January


Hope this finds you well.

Things are beginning to get going again in church with groups starting and meetings starting new sessions. For example, make sure you don’t miss the details for the Home Groups and the Prayer Meeting has a day and time too.

Enjoy the Magazine,



sunday morning  Sunday 15th January 2023

     Rev Scott Kirkland
   Bible passage: Isaiah 55. 6-13


Hope For Glasgow

The team at Hope for Glasgow have sent in their thanks for the Hope for Glasgow Christmas Eve offering. The exact amount has yet to be finalised but cash given including  gift aid envelopes amounted to £987.95 and with the online giving added it will be a total circa £1,400.
CEO, Terry McCutcheon, is most appreciative of our support as the service is 100% funded through donations.
Marlene S.

(You might remember that the offering was focused on the Road 2 Recovery programme HfG run. Here is the link if you are wanting to help this ministry.)

Home Groups - new session

1 peter
We start a new session of Bible studies at the Home Groups next weekend. (See dates below)
Have you been involved before? - let your group leader know that you will be coming along and make sure you order a study guide.
Not involved? - speak to Scott or an elder and you will be fitted in to a group. 

These are really important times of fellowship and a great way to dig into God's Word with'll find that people ask the same daft question you had, worry about the same verses you don't understand either, and often have the same prayer needs too. Don't miss out.
Sunday 22nd Jan, 5th Feb, 19th Feb, 5th Mar, 19th Mar, 2nd Apr
Monday 23rd jan, 6th Feb, 20th Feb, 6th Mar, 20th Mar, 3rd Apr
Tuesday 24th Jan, 7th Feb, 21st Feb, 7th Mar, 21st Mar, 4th April. 

bring own cup
We continue to be really grateful to those who provide the tea and coffee after the service on a Sunday - a really good time to wait after the service and catch up with one another. 
And a small reminder that we are encouraged to bring our cups if possible to save on cost and to be eco friendly.

New Day and Time for 2023

Pulse logo

Our Prayer Meeting will resume on Wednesday 18th January at 7.15pm.
We shall meet each Wednesday evening and the prayer meeting will last one hour.

Are you on the Pray Now WhatsApp Group? 

pray now

If you want to be added to the group to receive prayer news then simply ask Margaret and she will add your number to the list.

If you have a matter that you would like to be prayed about in this way, you can contact Margaret Boyd or Scott and they will organise for news to be sent out.

Ladybird Book of Maxwell

  Ladybird book of barriers
 Ian White at MMCC

Car Parking


Can you help?
If you are able, please can you to start using the school car park again as we did pre-lockdown?
Numbers attending services are encouragingly high and it would be really helpful if those that are able could leave spaces in the main car park for those who have greater need.


tweet of the week 13
You can follow this up by listening to Albert Mohler on this topic here.
 Safeguarding at Maxwell Mearns 

Safeguarding – Ensuring a Safe Church for All 

If you suspect or witness harm or abuse, or it is reported to you, you must immediately report it to one of the Safeguarding Coordinators:
Sue Anderson – 07970 261429 
Stewart Martin – 07766437216 
Elaine Taggart - 07746876280