No.131 25th November
Hope this finds you well.
Bit of a chill in the air, days are getting darker and I've obviously become very old that I feel it necessary to even mention these things.
It is the first Sunday in Advent I suppose and its the beginning of a number of Advent/Christmas events around Maxwell and beyond.
The Theme for Advent is 'Who will be your King?' - there is a short reflection on that question below from Alistair Begg and we look forward to Scott's first Advent sermon on Sunday.
You will be reminded of the question every time you pass the lane down to the church as a banner is up there to encourage people from around Mearns to come and join us in reflecting on what the Bible says about this question. Don't let the banner do all the heavy lifting though, make sure you take the opportunity to invite family and friends too.
Enjoy the Mag
From the Manse
Dear Congregation,
It is great to rejoice with those in the congregation who are rejoicing! Recently we celebrated with the Hallidays in their Golden Wedding anniversary. Below you will see exciting news from Deborah Dodds, just thinking about marriage. It is right we celebrate with each other. As Paul says in Romans 12.15, “Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn…”.
We know too well what it is to weep and mourn with each other – how wonderful also to celebrate.
As we begin our advent season, we should rejoice in the fact that our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ came alongside us, so that he could rejoice with us and mourn with us. In John’s gospel chapter 2 we find Jesus celebrating at a wedding! Marriage is his invention! And later in John 11 we find Jesus at a funeral where in 11.33 it says when he saw the sadness at death he was “deeply moved in spirit and troubled”. There is nothing gentle about this expression – in fact in some places the context might mean a furious indignation. It is at the very least a strong emotion against death and the grief it causes. Jesus experiences our pain. But he experiences it not in the helpless way we often do. Hebrews says, he sympathises with us so he can help us in our time of need. The greatest help he brought (and especially to the inevitability of all our deaths) was to die on the cross and rise from the grave. He did not snort at the death of Lazarus helplessly but came to overcome death!
We not only can but must rejoice in this. We might say, Christmas takes that vital step towards the cross and resurrection.
On a different matter…
Having taken a poll of many in the congregation I moved the prayer meeting to a Thursday to see if changing the day would increase the attendance. Apart from the visit of MSP John Mason recently when twenty-eight of us were present or on zoom, moving day has not made much difference. Consequently, in the New Year we shall move back to a Wednesday evening. If we can start sharply at 7.15pm, we shall finish at 8.15pm. This means we shall meet for one hour instead of the present one hour and fifteen minutes.
On a different matter again…regarding fun and dancing…
Don’t forget that this Saturday the premises will be given over for a Fun Day (11 am-2pm) and the evening for a Ceilidh (7.30pm-9.30pm). See below for details on both.
Warmest Regards,
1st Sunday in Advent
"God's people want a King!"
Bible Passage: 1 Samuel 8.1-9.2
Saturday events!!

Ladybird Book of Maxwell
By Thursday evening our total has reached 4305 - an amazing achievement!
This weeks total has been boosted by the Youth Group who helped after school on Wednesday and a couple of extra helpers on Thursday who decided checking boxes was preferable to a lie in while the schools were closed.
The total will be higher once Friday's numbers are added and announced on Sunday.
We have had our final delivery of boxes and will work our way through them next week. If you can manage to help earlier in the week that would be great. We finish when all the boxes have been checked and that's dependent upon the number of helpers.
Many thanks everyone
Denise Lowson
If you have a free hour/afternoon/ full day please do get along.
Further information email maxwellmearns@hotmail.com
Deborah Dodds (Margaret Boyd's youngest) and Andy Hutton announced their Engagement this week.
We wish them every blessing as they plan for their Wedding next summer.

Carols for Peace 2022
Hosted by the Lord Provost’s Office
Sunday 11th December 2022 at 3.00pm
Glasgow City Chambers, George Sq
Come and join The Lord Provost, with Glasgow Churches Together
supported by the St Mungo Singers, the Salvation Army Band,
South Side Fiddlers, St Denis’ Primary School, Trinity High School,
Piper, Harpist and Music Ensemble
We will pray for peace in our world but particularly Bethlehem, our Twin City
Enjoy refreshments afterwards in the Satinwood Suite overlooking George Square
in all its Christmas Splendour where the Crib still has a place of prominence.
Everyone is welcome to this very important event in the calendar of
Glasgow Churches Together and Glasgow City Council.
A collection will be taken up for the Lord Provost’s Fund for Children
From Glasgow Churches Together
Tuesday Coffee Club
Christmas Special
Many thanks to the organising team, bakers, drivers, servers and speakers who
provide a lovely social Tuesday afternoon with chat, entertainment and delicious
home made baking. The short “Maxwell Message” is always encouraging.
This is so uplifting and something to look forward to during otherwise depressing times.
Why not come and join us and support the coffee club ?
13th December being the last of the current season’s meetings should be particularly enjoyable with a Christmas Special.
Look forward to seeing you.
Muriel Nugent
"A King who is not You!"
How we live and what we believe ought to reflect our attachment to Christ. This is one reason why Peter says Christians are “a people for [God’s] own possession” (1 Peter 2:9). Our connection to Jesus as those who are in Him and belong to Him is comprehensive. That means we are not at liberty to believe whatever we want; we are not free to form our own views of marriage, of sexuality, of finance, or of anything else. Our view is now to reflect that of our Messiah and Teacher, Jesus. But He is not content with His disciples simply knowing the truth. They also need to be living the truth: “If you know these things, blessed are you if you do them.” Believing must lead to doing.
We are not free to behave in any way we like either, then. Our conduct is to reflect that of our sacrificial Savior, Jesus. Many contemporary religions and secular creeds require nothing of your lifestyle; they leave you free to live as you please. (In fact, many make that their guiding principle: that you do what seems right to you.) But the call to Christian discipleship is utterly different, for at its heart it is a call to follow a King who is not you. The call to the Christian life is not merely to believe the gospel but to “let your manner of life be worthy of the gospel of Christ” (Philippians 1:27). We all fall short. Do you have someone helping you, and whom you can help, in identifying areas of behavior that are not yet worthy of the gospel? Lock arms with a brother or sister in Christ, shine the light of God’s word on one another, and seek to bring the truth to life! The church is God’s primary appointed means of reaching His world. You are part of that. But do not expect those around you to ask about the gospel—still less to repent and believe the gospel—if you are not living out that gospel:
You are writing a gospel,
A chapter each day,
By deeds that you do,
By words that you say.
Men read what you write,
Whether faithless or true,
Say! What is the gospel
According to you?
From Alastair Begg's devotional 'Truth for Life'
Job Vacancy
Presbytery Resource Adviser and Secretary to the Nomination Committee, Office of the General Assembly
£37,800- £42,000 per annum (subject to 2023 cost of living increase)
35 hours per week - Edinburgh
We have an exciting opportunity to work as part of The Church of Scotland, Office of the General Assembly. The postholder will work predominantly with the Principal Clerk in supporting and advising Presbyteries in respect of the provisions of the Church Courts Act, the Presbytery Mission Plan Act and Local Church Review processes, and in establishing collaborative working practices and sharing of good practice amongst all Presbytery Clerks, as well as providing training for Presbytery roles. The postholder will also act as Secretary to the General Assembly’s Nomination Committee and will undertake a strategic review of the Nomination Process.
Closing date: 12 noon on Tuesday, 6 December 2022
Full job descriptions and person specifications for all current vacancies, can be found on the website.
UFM in Portugal

Last month we enjoyed the visit of UFM Worldwide's Leonardo Moraes who ministers with a small church in Lisbon...
Dear brothers in Christ,
On the 18th, I returned to Lisbon to resume our work here at the mission in Portugal. On Sunday, the 20th, we celebrate the 24th anniversary of the Evangelical Baptist Church in Sete Rios.
The trip to the UK was very fruitful and uplifting. By the grace of God I was able to report and share some of our missionary work through UFM Worldwide.
I would like to thank your local church and its leaders for welcoming me and Brother Ruairidh (UFM Area Director in Scotland). It was a pleasure to be with you and be able to share a little of our work, goals and challenges.
I will share with you the next prayer letters. Remember us in your prayers.
If you want to support our work through UFM, you can talk to me or brother Ruairidh.
In the annexes, some images from last Sunday (20/11/2022).
Igreja Baptista Sete Rios
on Facebook.
You can support our work through UFM here.
Remembering Those We Love
Joe Kavanagh has written to remind us that Mearns Kirk have an annual service for the Bereaved.
Remembering Those We Love : A service for the Bereaved
Mearns Kirk
Sunday 27th November 6 30

The weekly prayer meeting is now on a Thursday!
7.15pm - 8.30pm
All welcome.
(Changing to Wednesdays in the New Year!!)

Are you on the Pray Now WhatsApp Group?
If you want to be added to the group to receive prayer news then simply ask Margaret and she will add your number to the list.
If you have a matter that you would like to be prayed about in this way, you can contact Margaret Boyd or Scott and they will organise for news to be sent out.