We look forward to Scott being back in the pulpit and also to Communion this weekend
Enjoy the mag!
From the Manse
Dear Congregation,
Thanks to all who helped lead our church life in my absence. We had a lovely time with our girls and their husbands and meeting Anita’s family in the USA.
We did not feel we were away a long time but in that short time we returned to a new Prime Minister, the death of our Queen and the announcement of a new King!
It has been lovely to hear the outpouring of gratitude for the Queen’s life and positive anticipation of the reign of King Charles III. It did strike me that while death has ended the reign of Queen Elizabeth II, a positive outcome has been the new appreciation with which we viewed her life and service.
It is however, a little sad that it is so often the case that we only appreciate what God has given us (personal relationships, jobs, health, royalty…) when it is removed from us. In the current situation this may be especially true of those who are in authority over us in civic society. Whatever our political colours are, it is so good that we have had a smooth transition of power from one Prime Minister to another and one Monarch to another.
We have become so aware of how the leadership in Russia has incredibly damaged not only the nations of Ukraine and Russia, but so many countries around the world from the economic and resources implication. This letter could be taken up with other examples of political instability and national (and international) violence. We thank the Lord for our stability.
Thankyou Lord for those in authority over us here in the United Kingdom at this time.
While the effect of the Queen’s death may arouse a heightened sense of gratitude for her 70 years of diligent service, might I suggest that this could be pretty much the sum total of it's benefit?
However, it would be remiss of us not to recognise at this time, our King of King and Lord of Lords, Jesus Christ who came and served not only diligently in life but sinlessly. It was his example our Queen looked to.
More significant however, is the fact that the beneft of his death was not limited to a heightened appreciation of his life and example. Rather, His death was the supreme and beneficial act of service for His people.
It is in His death He served us by bringing atonement for sin and eternal life to all who trust in this King. Matthew’s Gospel brings this out well about His service in life and His service in death (Matthew Chapter 20.28).
…the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many…
The Presbytery Plan…
In my absence, three of our elders continued the conversation with the local congregation in our cluster regarding the Presbytery Plan for our area. Our Kirk Session are so grateful to Andrew Little, John McNicol and Sandy McDougal for their work on this (no small amount of time). Because of the timetable laid down by Presbytery, a draft plan has been submitted to Presbytery. It is a draft because it has not be agreed by any of the Kirk Sessions yet (not even our own). And, it is also a draft because some key decisions are still to be undertaken.
From a “human Maxwell” perspective this draft plan could be considered as “positive”. However, formal agreement has to be reached in Kirk Sessions and by Presbytery. More importantly, we want to keep praying for the Lord’s perspective. That may still to be worked through!
I understand that until the Sessions and Presbytery have reviewed the plan and made some agreement on it, the content should remain under wraps! I will let you know more detail as soon as I am permitted to.
I hope this update is helpful and not just adding to the frustration of awaiting an outcome.
Mearns House: This Sunday afternoon (18th of September) we shall lead worship again at Mearns House. All are welcome to with join us. We shall gather outside at 2.20pm so that we can go in together for a 2.30 start. The service is just till 3pm.
Look forward to seeing you in worship on Sunday,
With Warmest Regards

As I read our online magazine last weekend, I so appreciated that the magazine included the carefully crafted words of the Archbishop of Canterbury as a tribute to our late queen.
As John McNicol drew us into worship last Sunday he so helpfully led us in appreciation for Elizabeth II but also pointed us to our Lord as supreme Monarch - Queen Elizabeth's King. In his prayer of thanksgiving and intercession, Jack Geddes gave thanks so helpfully for her life and reign.
I think we share gratitude to all three for their contributions to our church life at that important moment.
I think it is worth reflecting again on John's introductory comments to worship last week - see below.
Seven days, one week, one new Prime Minister, the death or our dearly loved Queen, and a new King. We remember the passing of Queen Elizabeth II today.
The only monarch the majority of us will ever have known.
There are people far more eloquent than me who have been and will continue to pay tribute from world leaders to journalists to politicians.
We could repeat lines from many of her Christmas addresses, which talk of her faith in Christ.
Yet, knowing what we do about the Queen’s resolute Christian faith, if she had any influence of what might be said about her in these sad days perhaps:
Instead of talking about her service, she would want us to talk about Christ’s service, his death, and his resurrection
Instead of talking about her incredible duty over 70 long years, she would have us talk about Christ’s ministry over 3 short years
Instead of talking about the finality of her death, she would have us talk about life after death through Christ.
The Queen would I am sure repeat the words of Paul in his letter to the Philippians:
“But whatever were gains to me, I now consider loss for the sake of Christ. What is more, I consider everything a loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord.”
Seven days - tomorrow is promised to no-one, not one of us.
We are a motley group of gathered people, all at different ages and stages, of great faith, of wavering faith, of no faith. Let’s not put off until tomorrow, what we need to deal with today.
"In our era, when duty has fallen out of fashion, she marched resolutely to a different beat. Hers was a life of service, not self-actualisation."
As a constitutional monarch, the nature of Queen Elizabeth II’s role dictated she not offer opinions. No one knew which political party she supported, or which was her favourite of the 15 prime ministers who served during her reign, or whether she was pro-Brexit or pro-Remain. So it’s significant that in her 70-year reign, Her Majesty only wrote one foreword. The book was published by the Bible Society for her 90th birthday celebrations in 2016, and it was titled The Servant Queen and the King She Serves.
It was striking when we put together a book for children about the Queen’s faith to mark her Platinum Jubilee to see just how often she spoke of Jesus. In 2012, she reminded us that “this is the time of year when we remember that God sent his only Son to serve, not to be served,” both to save us and as an example to us. She followed that example. In our era, when duty has fallen out of fashion and “being true to yourself” has become the lodestar for a generation, she marched resolutely to a different beat. Hers was a life of service, not self-actualisation.
Who knows what the future of the monarchy will be? Many loved Elizabeth rather than the institution itself. But while to many, monarchy is an anachronism—and they may be right—it’s worth remembering that as Christians, we’re looking forward to living under an absolute monarch.
To the extent that Elizabeth was kind, servant-hearted, and consistent, she showed us the blessing it is to live under a good ruler. She pointed us to the truth that humanity was created to enjoy life under an all-powerful, all-knowing, always-loving ruler, who (like the Queen) isn’t swayed by opinion polls and never needs to run for election and whose authority isn’t dependent on majority opinion. Humans are happiest under a perfect monarch.
The problem, as Queen Elizabeth knew, is that such a leader cannot be found in this world. The wonder, as Queen Elizabeth also knew, is that one day he will arrive, coming on the clouds.
This is an extract the the Gospel Coalition webpage and Carl Laferton's reflection, as he gave thanks for the life of Queen Elizabeth. You can read it all here.
What's the best future you could imagine?

The series of 3 weeks starts this weekend - keep it in your prayers.
If you are planning to come along please get in touch with Margo and register using the email address below.
What does Christianity have to say about...
Who can you bring along to these three Sunday afternoon events?
18th Sept | 25th Sept | 2nd Oct
3.30pm till 5pm
TO REGISTER: email maxwellexplore@gmail.com
Commissioning Service

Everyone is welcome to morning worship on Sunday 9th October when we will be formally launching Jacob’s ministry amongst us.
Please note the date and plan to stay on afterwards as we enjoy a delicious lunch and time of fellowship in the Maxwell hall.
GCM - Open Morning!

Glasgow City Mission are holding an open morning for church members on Saturday 1 October from 10:00-12noon.
We would love it if members of the church were able to come along to our Crimea Street project to learn about the breadth of work we do in the city.
You will be welcomed with refreshments and an introduction to our work before getting the opportunity to meet with our staff throughout our building. These staff members will discuss advocacy, Rehab Pathways, outreach into the streets of Glasgow, our Overnight Welcome Centre, our Child and Family Centre work in Govan, women's work, Internationals' work, Urban (our moving on space), college courses, employability, prison work, internships, volunteering opportunities and much more.
We will end with a short time of praise.
This event is free, but please register here so we can cater appropriately.
We look forward to welcoming you to Crimea Street.
For more details speak with Jack Geddes
AND ...

Don't forget Ken Taggart's efforts this weekend!!
Ken writes...
Glasgow City Mission has organised a fund raising event that will take place on Saturday 17 September 2022.
My challenge is to complete a road cycle circuit of the Isle of Arran, comprising a journey of 57 miles (92 km). I’m training hard but this will be a fair test at my age and condition, and in uncertain Scottish weather!
I realise that home budgets are under pressure at the moment with rising costs of living, so any contribution at all that you can make, even the smallest amount, will make a huge difference to those that the charity can help.
A link to my JustGiving page is below, along with a link to the charity website, with details of the event and the work of the charity.
I hope you might consider supporting if you can and many thanks for taking the time to read my appeal.
Click here for Just Giving page.
Thank you.
Faith in Faith??

As Scott points out in his opening letter the week the Queen's faith is something which has been mentioned a number of times.
However, it is very common (in fact, it's often a strategy) for the secular news to refer to 'faith' in such a broad way, without anchoring it at all in Jesus Christ, that any concrete meaning is lost. This is a narrative we need to be aware of, when faith is redacted to 'faithfulness' or 'steadfastness' or being full of hope. In fact it can be 'faith in faith' if we are not careful.
In this article Erik Raymond asks what we mean by faith.
Here are some extracts but take a moment to read the full article here.
“What do you mean by ‘have faith’?”
What does it mean to have faith? I have gotten this question numerous times as a pastor. Faith is a term that is vitally important but often also loosely defined or applied.
People speak of faith as if it is a “leap of faith.” In this way it sounds like an acceptable embracing of something that is irrational. The Bible does not present faith as irrational.
Others speak of faith as simply intellectual ascent. I believe the facts about God much like someone believes the facts about the life of George Washington. While facts are important there is more.
Still others will speak of the way they feel. God makes them happy when they should be sad. Emotion corresponds with faith but is not all that faith is.
Some even speak of faith in a reflexive way. They talk of “my faith” terms that don’t seem to get very far from themselves. It is a mantra to keep on believing–but in who? or what?
At Emmaus we often speak of faith in terms of “trusting and treasuring” God. We believe that God is who he said he is and as a result we believe (trust) him to do everything that he has promised. Further, because he is infinitely glorious, we treasure him above any and everything.
Read the full article as Erik explores Trusting Christ and Treasuring Christ - here.

I have been contacted by our local East Ren Ukrainian support group who are asking for our help. They write:
As you probably heard a lot of territory has been freed this past week, which is absolutely great. However it brings new challenges. A lot of people from these places had previously left with absolutely nothing; their homes are destroyed, their livelihoods gone. The majority of those that never left are elderly and couldn't (or wouldn't) evacuate at the time. Currently they have been brought to safety of other towns and cities and are now moving back. Unfortunately they have absolutely nothing.
Oksana, based in East Ren, is hoping to send a delivery every month. She is looking for donations of warm clothes in good condition, personal hygiene items and non perishable food.
I am happy for anyone to contact me (by email or 07510 335 330) and I can facilitate.
thank you,
Sue AB
Rev Jade Ableitner (minister at Eaglesham Parish Church) is delighted introduce her
daughter Ruby Janice Ableitner, born on the 22/08/22 weighing 7.04lbs.
Congratulations to Jade and Eric.
Ladybird Book of Maxwell
Symphonic Praise
is back at St Giles'!

Tickets are available from our website for this event, and from our box office on 0131 541 0117.
Symphonic Praise is an event that promotes the use of great hymns, and great doctrine and theology through music. Designed to deepen your faith and experience of God, and build resilience in the face of a world hostile to Christian values and beliefs.
Some of the greatest hymns ever written, to brand new arrangements commissioned for this event, performed by the Origin Scotland singers and orchestra.
We will also be launching the brand new Origin Choir at this event! Come and hear them, and join in on some of your favourite hymns.
Book your tickets at www.originscotland.org

There will be more news about this Curry and Quiz night coming soon - but Grace, Tara and Chiara hope you can keep the date free and join them for what will be a really enjoyable and fun event.
Speak with Kirsty Bell if you need more info just now.
Christian Persecution in China
Tuesday 4th October | 7.30pm
Living for Jesus in the face of growing authoritarianism
with Release International partner Bob Fu, President ChinaAid

This October we are delighted to host Release International partner and ChinaAid President Bob Fu, for a series of live events across the UK. Join us to hear how your support is helping our brothers and sisters in China to persevere.
DATE: Tuesday 04 October
TIME: 7.30pm
VENUE: Hamilton Baptist Church, 23 Kemp Street, HAMILTON, Scotland. ML3 6QL
Bob Fu was born and raised in mainland China and today he is one of the leading voices supporting persecuted Christians in China. He regularly briefs the US State Department and Members of Congress on the status of religious freedom in China, and in 2020 he was honoured with the Wilberforce Award from the Colson Centre, an award which recognises Christian leaders who encourage all Christians to make a difference in the face of tough societal problems and injustices.
Bob will be sharing about the growing restrictions facing our brothers and sisters in China. The situation has escalated recently with new laws introduced in March 2022 which effectively ban the sharing of all online religious content that does not have the explicit approval of the Chinese Communist Party.
First, we can be thankful that God is not so unkind as to answer our prayers in our timeframe. God’s delays are always purposeful. His perspective is far more comprehensive than we could ever imagine. He may delay so that He can deal with our selfishness or an area of disobedience in our lives, to teach us how to trust Him or to save us from ourselves. This is one reason why the Bible frequently calls us to wait upon the Lord. Our disappointments, failures, and confusions can be brought under the all-embracing security of God’s eternal purpose.

Our Coffee Club had its first meeting of this session on Tuesday.
We were pleased to see a good turnout of familiar faces and one or two new faces also. We enjoyed tea, coffee and home baking and were introduced to Jacob by Scott. Scott gave the Maxwell Message, reflecting on the faith of the late Queen and the hope she expressed in the message of Jesus.
The tea and coffee come both caffeinated and decaffeinated – and the baking is always first rate, but it is the quality of the conversations that the guests engage in that always strikes me as particularly special. It is great to see - especially after the pandemic - people so engaged in sharing stories from the past, opinions on the present and plans for the future.
If you know of anyone who would enjoy company and conversation on a Tuesday afternoon, please speak to Elizabeth Smith or anyone else that helps with the Coffee Club. (The team of bakers, drivers and helpers is quite large; you are sure to know someone who is involved!)
Sandra McN
Fighting for the Family
Conversion Therapy - Assisted Suicide - Education
The Christian Institute Scotland are touring Scotland to help Christians understand these topics better -
'the need to fight for the family has never been greater'
More information will be in future magazines but note the Glasgow dates are Mon 7th and Wed 9th Nov.

The weekly prayer meeting is now on a Thursday!
7.15pm - 8.30pm
All welcome.

An inspiring night at the musicals featuring singers from London's West End.
Amazing performers will bring you songs from Les Miserables, Phantom of the Opera, and The Greatest Showman.
The singers will give an insight into life in the West End, their careers and their Faith.
£6 per ticket, group tickets for 4 people for the price of 3 available too.

Are you on the Pray Now WhatsApp Group?
If you want to be added to the group to receive prayer news then simply ask Margaret and she will add your number to the list.
If you have a matter that you would like to be prayed about in this way, you can contact Margaret Boyd or Scott and they will organise for news to be sent out.