maxwell magazine logo 2022 (2)

No.99 - 25th March


As usual the magazine moves effortlessly across a range of topics - sublime to ridiculous I suppose (eg. no offence to Pauline but her advert about homeless plastic boxes is in the less exciting category part of the mag.)

On a more thoughtful theme I came across the image below on Twitter (the name of the artist was not known) which depicts so well how we are to approach any who come across our path. I was chatting about the excellent 'Secular Creed' by Rebecca McLaughlin with some friends who had also read it (okay it was a Book Club - I admit it) and we agreed that although she was really quite clear with her Biblical doctrine, and the clear moral ethics Christians are called to, she always steered a pathway of gentleness and kindness. Even though they often fly in the face of public opinion. It made her clear stand on 'hot topics' so much more compelling and a good example on how to take a stand for that which is right even when it may get a hostile reception.

WhatsApp Image 2022-03-24 at 8

If you are reading this on Friday 25th you're not too late to plan to get along to NMBC for the Walk Thru the New Testament. Great for p7 upwards and so helpful for getting a deeper understanding of the Bible.

Enjoy the mag.

Sunday Morning Service - 27th March

New City Catechism -Q.47: Does the Lord’s Supper add anything
to Christ’s atoning work?

Call To Worship: 1 Peter 1.8-9
Praise:  Joyful, joyful we adore Thee
Praise: And can it be...
Prayer of adoration and confession
Talk with kids - 
Prayer of Thanksgiving
Reading: 1 Corinthians 11:17-34
Praise: Behold the Lamb
Praise: Name of all majesty

More information about the New City catechism and a link to the free App is here. 

From the Manse

Dear Congregation,scott
This thing we call “British Summer Time” which arrives each year with the daffodils and crocuses makes our clocks “spring forward”. This Saturday/Sunday we will have one hour less of sleep – unless we go to bed early! However, Sunday is going to be a beautiful day to be up and out early to worship!

On a personal note, several people have been asking me recently how my health is. I had a review this week and the cancer appears to be currently under control. The injections I am on will finish in June.
I do carry a great sadness that the impact of this treatment has affected my ministry over these last two years and especially as I have not been able to visit as much as I would have liked to.
It is great the treatment is appearing effective. However, although the active effect will cease in September, it will then take many months for my body to “reboot” and bring back all that was killed off by the injections.  So, good news about the cancer, but I am sorry that you will have to endure longer with me due to these ongoing side effects.
God is full of grace and I pray that with one another, He will continue to uphold us in all our various weaknesses. As Paul says in 2nd Corinthians chapter 1:
Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God. 


Thanks to all who remained in worship for the S.A.M last Sunday. The draft minutes should be on the Website for checking by the start of next week.
I have mentioned The Presbytery Plan in several of my letters recently and we spent considerable time at the S.A.M talking about it.
Many decisions made by the General Assembly and Presbytery do not impact us day-to-day. This Presbytery Plan does! Will we remain a single congregation? (Unlikely.) Will we be permitted to have a minister dedicated to Maxwell only? (Unlikely.) Will be permitted to remain in our current building. (Unknown.)
Our elders have some understanding of what Presbytery wants. And, we understand the time-scales the denomination wants us to work to. We want to discern what God wants and what is His timing. Please can I ask you to pray.
It might sound alarmist, but I believe we are confronted with the biggest series of decisions since our congregation was planted on this hill fifty years ago. The Presbytery’s demands have a potential to change us. This is an expected and desired outcome of The Plan by Presbytery. What changes does God want us to make?
Also, at the S.A.M we thanked a number of people who work on behalf of the Board overseeing our finances and fabric. We want to view all this activity as ministry, serving one another and our community but especially the Lord. As Paul says in Colossians 3:17:
And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.

Jack Geddes was especially thanked for his seven years as Board chairman.
Jack will retire from this role at the May Board. If the Board is in agreement (I am sure they will be!) our elder, Calum McPhail will take over chairing the Board from the June meeting. Jack did an excellent job over the seven years and we look forward to Calum’s chairmanship.

On a few other matters…

Youth Worker: Behind the scenes we have been actively seeking a new Youth Worker. We have not yet made an appointment. However, the process is moving forward and we are hopeful. Please pray the Lord would bring to us the right person at the right time.

Masks: Unfortunately, COVID is still rampant in Scotland. Consequently, face masks will remain a present feature in worship for the time being. In fact, we would ask that you continue to wear masks for all indoor activities in the church premises for the time being. Thanks for your understanding. We shall continue to make hand-santizer available for entry and exit.

Recording Names: We shall no longer record who is present at meetings/or in worship. It is no longer a requirement for track and trace. We have taken the QR code posters down from the walls and the door team will not take your name on a Sunday.

Heating In Church: Although Spring has come, we have hopefully sorted our heating issues in the church. Thank you for braving some cooler than desired Sunday gatherings in the church. We have now added two large heaters. Although the original heaters are actually industrial heaters, they now look like “toys” by comparison! We are eager to see how effective the addition of these heaters will be on colder days. Many thanks to Charles and Sue Amery Behr who sourced them and oversaw the installation. Many thanks also to our own Sandy Leonard who dropped everything he had planned, to ensure the electrical side was installed and in good shape.

With warmest regards and prayers,

Easter Services – Parish Grouping

  • Maundy Thursday: 7pm Eaglesham: Shared Communion Service
  • Friday Walk of Witness: 11.30am Mearns Kirk Carpark to Newton Mearns Parish. Outdoor worship at Newton Mearns.
  • Good Friday Evening: 7pm Broom: Shared Evening Service
  • Sunday Dawn Service: 6.30am Broom Carpark to Trig point for outdoor worship (Breakfast at Broom afterwards.)
  • Sunday Evening Gathering: 7pm “Easter in the Light” at Maxwell Mearns Castle Church

Andy Burleigh

Our prayers are with Liz (and Derek and Logan) in the recent death of Andy.
The Funeral will be held at South Lanarkshire Crematorium, 1pm on 1st April.

Read Together

gentle and lowly

I mentioned last week that I am so keen that we read this book as a congregation.
They will be available at the church this Sunday (£8)

I want us to be thinking Christians. But, I also want us to be "feeling" Christians.
I want us to understand the love of Jesus. But, I also want us to feel the love of Jesus!
I believe this book could be a hugely significant read for us.

Castle Coffee Club


This Tuesday 29th March is the Coffee Club Easter celebration.
We are looking forward to an enjoyable afternoon which takes time to consider the remarkable good news of the Easter Story - we would be delighted to welcome new guests as well as our regulars! This is our last meeting before the Easter holidays. We will meet in the Maxwell Hall from 1.30 to 3pm and transport can be arranged.
For further information please contact Elizabeth Smith

Christy Ringrose


Last week we used a song and video as part of our reflection on God's Word as we prepared for Communion.
It was Christy Ringrose who was singing (Christy and Thane have been attending Maxwell for the last year or so) and I asked Christy to explain a bit more about the song and video.

You can find out more about Christy's music and art at her webpage.

Ringrose Comission -The Tree


Smitten, Stricken and Afflicted by Christy Ringrose (2021)

About the song:
“Smitten, Stricken and Afflicted” is a cover of a hymn written by
Thomas Kelly in 1804. I kept singing it around Easter time and decided
it was such a special hymn that it deserves to be more widely heard. It
was recorded in Spring 2021 at The Foundry Music Lab in Motherwell,
myself on piano and vocals with Graham Coe on Cello. The crucifixion
is such an age old theme and I really wanted this song to bring out the
brand newness of life which makes this 2000 year old story still
relevant to us in 2021.

How to listen: Download Mp3 from my website here(£2.00):
YouTube here.      Spotify here.

"The Tree" by Joel Michael Nicholas

I asked a fellow painter, Joel Michael Nicholas, to make an artwork
inspired by the song. He said he painted over an old canvas which he had
painted before he became a Christian: “It wasn’t planned what I’d do. It
emerged as floral, and tree-like. And before interpreting anything I
asked friends what they saw. It hit home that I’d painted the
crucifixion in a way I couldn’t have imagined going for. I painted the
conflict of love conquering sin and revival waters rushing the dry land
of our souls. I love it”.



If anyone has any empty shoeboxes they do not need please may we have them? We are asking folk to hang on to shoeboxes over the course of this year.
We can store them in the church garage. 
Lesley or I can take them down to the garage for you. 
Thank you
Denise Lowson and Lesley Young

Ladybird Book of Maxwell


Alpha 2022


Last Sunday saw our last Alpha session of 2022. 
Over the eight weeks, we were excited to share the basics of the Christian faith together by watching the Alpha films and having a good chat about the topics.  We were also treated to eight delicious afternoon teas, a few of which can be seen from the photos.  We were all very impressed by the baking talent, time and effort put in by the catering teams each week to put together such a high standard of goodies for us to tuck into.  They quickly became our food highlight of the week, with some skipping Sunday lunch or having a reduced Sunday dinner to accommodate them!
Our Alpha guests and the team are very grateful to all involved.
The Alpha team and guests

Not to be Compared...

At the Pulse prayer meeting Scott read from Romans 8:  "I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us. The creation waits in eager expectation for the sons of God to be revealed." We took some time to consider the pain endured by the church in war torn areas, and in our personal lives in many different shapes and forms. We recognise it is there, and painful, but not the complete picture. God is at work.

This week Scotty Smith (friend of the magazine) gave us another absolute belter of a prayer (if prayers can be 'belters') to take to the Lord along similar lines...


Mercy, Manna, and Maggots

“We want you to know, brothers, about the grace of God that has been given among the churches of Macedonia, for in a severe test of affliction, their abundance of joy and their extreme poverty have overflowed in a wealth of generosity.”  2 Cor. 8:1-2

Heavenly Father, What an amazing story—the severely afflicted, economically strapped Macedonians became a model of kingdom joy and radical generosity. We are seeing this same kind of generous living and giving, in response to the war in Ukraine. Much more will be needed for years to come.

Hearts and homes are welcoming displaced strangers. Checks are being cut. Containers are being sent. Children are being cared for. The Gospel is being shared, in both word and deed. You are being glorified. What more could we want in life?

Father, grant us the same grace and freedom, you gave the churches of Macedonia. You have enriched us in every way that we might be generous in every way (2 Cor. 9:11). Jesus, himself, was/is the quintessential cheerful giver. Though he was eternally rich, Jesus gladly became poor, that by his poverty we might become enriched beyond measure (2 Cor. 8:9).

Wise planning and prudent saving are one thing. But me-first, mercy-little, fear-fueled stockpiling is altogether different. You didn’t create and redeem us to be hoarders, but givers. Manna, the “daily bread” you gave the Israelites, became a smelly maggot-feast if hoarded (Exodus 16:19-20). (Yech!). We prefer the aroma of grace, so supersize our joy and generosity in these moments, and coming years. So Very Amen."

If you want Scotty Smith's prayers in your inbox each day you can organise that here.

Boxes looking for their Owners

IMG 20220321 124057852

These tubs are feeling lonely in the hall kitchen. If one belongs to you and you would like it back please collect it otherwise Pauline will give them a loving new home storing craft supplies!  
Pauline Forster

Pulse logo

Pulse is still meeting on Zoom.
Wednesdays 7.15-8.30pm

Look out for the email each week with the code to join in - if you don't get that email then drop a note to Sue at

Easter Egg Appeal for Lodging House Mission


As we look forward and make plans for Easter we want to give you the opportunity to support Lodging House Mission outreach initiative.
To celebrate this ‘resurrection’ of community life at LHM - with the possibility of new life, hope and meaning our service offers - we are inviting you to get involved in this initiative. As our church supporters, we are asking if you would make a donation of Easter eggs -  during Lent -  that can be gifted to those who do not yet know, or need to hear afresh, the Easter message of life, hope and a new beginning this year.
Stewart Martin is the contact for Maxwell folk to take part in giving Easter Eggs.
322 Glasgow Road, Waterfoot  G76 0EW
Mobile 07766437216
The cut-off date for giving to Stewart is Sunday 3rd April 2022

LHM ask that you add a sticker/ label to the egg box saying….“A gift of hope from Maxwell Mearns Castle Church”
Reminding people that no matter the situation or isolation being faced, our clients are not alone and Gods people care.

If you would prefer to give a financial donation to support this initiative, all contributions will be gratefully received and you can donate in the usual ways:
Direct transfer: 82-64-31  30060385
Or send a cheque, made payable to:
Lodging House Mission and posted to 35 East Campbell Street, Glasgow G1 5DT.

Thank you for the great support you give throughout the year which allows us to multiply the impact of our efforts.
Deacon Claire Herbert
Chaplain LHM

Retiring Offering for Scripture Union

SU appeal


Sunday 27th March, Retiring Offering at Maxwell Mearns for Scripture Union

2022 Holidays Sponsorship Appeal

There are over 50 events planned for 2022, each one made possible by teams of volunteers. Many children and young people have missed so much because of lockdown, including their first experience of SU holidays, and donations to this year's appeal will remove financial barriers for many young people.
Our gifts will mean that:
• SU holidays are available to everyone – families who need help for their children, refugees, asylum seekers, and others who depend on sponsorship.
• Holidays for young people from disadvantaged communities.
• Committed teams of volunteers can run the holidays.
SU holidays are places of great fun and connection and are places where young people can meet Jesus.
As a student I spent several summers volunteering at SU Camps and Missions - made possible by the Sponsorship fund. When I came to Maxwell Sandra McNicol reminded me that she had been one of the campers! Several of our young folk are just back from a weekend camp after having fun and learning about Jesus, along with Pauline and some parents supporting as volunteers.

“The good thing about being back at camp is seeing all your friends and learning about God. It's really nice to be back!”
P7 Camper, Scoughall

If you would like to contribute directly financially to SU's camps appeal this can be done through the link on SU Scotland's website (Please write “Maxwell Mearns” in the “What prompted you to give” section) and Gift Aid envelopes are available in the Sanctuary vestibule as well.
There is also an email-based Prayer hotline run during the holiday season where news and urgent needs are shared as they arise. If you would like to join this hotline please visit here.

Praise Gathering - register today!

PG 2022

Many people in Maxwell have been involved in Praise Gathering over the years, and lots more have enjoyed attending the concerts.
Registration for the Praise Gathering 2022 Choir is now OPEN, 
Secretary, Dave McLaren writes... We are already hearing of people who have invited friends to sing with them, so we are opening registration to everyone from today.  We would therefore encourage you to secure your place as soon as possible.   
Full details, including the rehearsal schedule for Glasgow, Edinburgh, Perth and via live stream are given on the registration pages, which can be accessed by clicking here.
No longer will we take singing together for granted and we look forward to being back together again very soon.
Getting involved is easy - follow the link to book in.

pray now

Are you on the Pray Now WhatsApp Group? Perhaps the start of the year is a good time to join in.
If you want to be added to the group to receive prayer news then simply ask Margaret and she will add your number to the list.

If you have a matter that you would like to be prayed about in this way, you can contact Margaret Boyd or Scott and they will organise for news to be sent out.

Hizkidz - crèche

On Sunday the West Room on the mid floor will be available for parents/grandparents and younger children to use.
 The livestream of the service will (hopefully!) be playing on the TV and there are toys available too.
Speak to Pauline on Sunday who can show you which room to go into when the children leave for Hizkidz.



Please note our Sunday morning services* are live streamed and subsequently available on YouTube.

Filming is only from the rear in the balcony. If attending in person you may wish to select your seats bearing in mind that rows at the rear in the Sanctuary are not in view of the camera.
(* occasionally other services)