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No.83 - 26th November


Hope this finds you well, and well wrapped's become chilly all of a sudden.
And of course with some frosty weather thoughts turn naturally to Advent. (Yes, it does!..for the purposes of this intro it does.)

Those of you who have your Advent Devotional Book will be looking forward to Wednesday to start your reading. If you don't have one then find someone who does and start bartering with's a seller's market I'm afraid, as the book seller sold out of them too.  If you have taken a book and have promised Margaret that you will pay her 'next time' your names are going in the magazine next week.

Enjoy the mag!


SUNDAY SERVICE: 28th November 

1st Sunday in Advent
  • Praise: Come thou long expected Jesus
  • Prayer of Adoration and Confession
  • Praise:  What wonder of grace is this 
  • Children's Talk and song: Down to Earth
  • Prayer of Thanksgiving and Intercession
  • Praise: Emmanuel
  • Scripture reading: Luke 1.39-45
  • Sermon - George Johnston
  • Praise: All my days
  • Leaving Praise: Seek Ye first

From the Mansescott

Dear Congregation,

Would you agree the news has been brutal this last week?
According to  U.N. Refugee Agency (UNHCR) there are an estimated 82 million refugees around the world.
The Christian humanitarian organization called “World Vision” notes that conflict and insecurity in Ethiopia, Iraq, South Sudan, the Central African Republic, and Myanmar have caused millions to flee their homes.
In Myamar and neighbouring Bangladesh over a million Rohingya Muslims have had to flee. Syria continues to be a disaster zone. Something like 11 million people are displaced within the land and a further 3 million in Turkey.
How cold would it have been sitting looking through barbed-wire on the Polish/ Belarussian border?
Several million are endeavouring to escape poverty and organised crime in South American countries. We know that millions are close to starvation in Afghanistan.
Would you agree that we need to work and pray hard to guard against being desensitised to this kind of news.

And it has been a tragic week for migrants trying to cross the English Channel.
We believe that twenty-seven lives were lost from one boat alone this week. Twenty-seven human beings, made in the image of God and therefore precious to Him.
These migrants are clearly being exploited by people-traffickers concerned only about financial gain over people’s safety.
They are exploiting the migrant’s desperation and hope. With no regard for safety, they pile far too many bodies into dingeys which themselves are inadequate for such a journey.
Our Scriptures are absolutely bulging with God’s judgment on such evil.
The people of the land have practiced extortion and committed robbery. They have oppressed the poor and needy, and have extorted from the sojourner without justice. Ezekiel 22:29 The Lord says through the prophet Isaiah; Learn to do good; seek justice, correct oppression; bring justice to the fatherless, plead the widow's cause. Isaiah 1:17.
I think we share the great sense of inadequacy. Few of us have influence to stop any of this. As the BBC (or your preferred news outlet) gives you “breaking news”, let’s turn their news into prayer.

We can pray with the Psalmist; (Lord) defend the cause of the poor of the people, give deliverance to the children of the needy, and crush the oppressor! (Psalm 72:4)
We can pray that light might break into the darkness of our world’s communities.
Pray for the authorities purporting to remedy these sources of misery. In regard to the English Channel, pray for effective action by the European Union, but especially for the UK and the French Governments. Surely two superpowers like France and the UK have the ability to stop this abuse, if they had the heart to do so!
Pray for this heart!
Pray for this evil trafficking to be stopped, for justice to be exercised. Pray for nations tearing apart from within – for the concern of the international community where intervention is necessary. Pray for the Lord’s mercy on our world.
Pray that Gospel of Jesus Christ might take root in the darkest of sin-soaked-hearts!

Sunday Night Gathering 7pm-8pm

Darkness is dispelled with the light of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. That is why Jesus said He is the Light of the World. He has come to bring light life and love.
However, He has ignited that light in all believers. We are to bring that light to a dark world.
Remember Jesus words?
You are the light of the world. …Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house.
In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.

We shall gather this Sunday night for praise and prayer and insights from pews and pulpits throughout the land to find out how we can shine the light of Christ where the Lord has set us.
Join us. 7pm-8pm in the sanctuary.
All welcome

Warmest Regards,

25th dec
Christmas Services

We have been begun putting together plans for Christmas!
We shall give more details over the coming weeks but here are some dates for your diary.
  • Sunday 19th Morning Worship 10.30am – Includes Nativity
  • Sunday 19th Evening 6.30pm – Christmas In The Dark (an outdoor telling of the Christmas story with different stations/actors around the outdoor premises)
  • Friday 24th Afternoon 2-3.30pm - Christmas Messy Church (All age)
  • Friday 24th Christmas Eve Service 7-8pm
  • Saturday 25th Christmas Day Service 10.30-11.15am
  • Sunday 26th Boxing Day Sunday Worship 10.30-11.15am

Hizkidz - crèche

Starting on Sunday the West Room on the mid floor will be available for parents/grandparents and younger children to use.
 The livestream of the service will (hopefully!) be playing on the TV and there are toys available too.
Speak to Pauline on Sunday who can show you which room to go into when the children leave for Hizkidz.

Coffee Club

st andrews
Come and join us as we celebrate St Andrew’s day on Tuesday 30th November!
We have a packed programme with Kate Campbell reciting some Burn’s poetry in her inimitable fashion and Sandra McNicol playing her fiddle! All that in addition to lively conversation round the tables while enjoying delicious home baking.
If you’ve never been before why not come along on Tuesday. Transport can be arranged so don’t let that stop you
Elizabeth Smith Mob: 07761114987


Ladybird Book of Maxwell


Blythswood Boxes cont...


The Final total for the boxes was 4082.
A huge shout of thanks to all who prayed for us, to those who provided carpets so we wouldn't be cold, to those who gave monetary donations for us to purchase fillers, to those who left bags of items for the shoeboxes, to Priscilla for her shortbread and ginger wine, and to all the volunteers who gave of their time - every box checked was a bonus. We couldn't have reached our total without you.
Thank you 
Denise and Lesley
Cara's Perfect 10 Challenge

cara 10
Cara  decided to fundraise for BBC Children In Need and Girlguiding for her charities badge at Brownies.

The fundraising theme this year was based Strictly Come Dancing so Cara decided to take on a Perfect 10 Challenge.
She completed 10 challenges in 10 days, starting on 10th November and they all involved the number 10.
She managed to: read 10 books, do 10 bakes, walk 10 miles, play 10 new piano pieces, cycle 10km, learn 10 dance steps, donate 10 items to a food bank, learn to count to 10 in Spanish, tell 10 people about the charities and sort 10 Christmas shoeboxes for Blythswood Care.

So far Cara has raised over £1,186.60 and when gift aid is added it takes it to over £1500.
We are absolutely amazed at how much money she has raised.
Thank you for all the messages of support and encouragement and donations too! 
advent playlist

If you are looking for some Advent tunes The Gospel Coalition has created a huge one - about 6 and a half hours of music. You can find it on Spotify here.
 jared wilson quote

Warning: Christmas Is Coming!

by Paul Tripp.

christmas loading

"It’s coming. The signs are already appearing, and you should consider yourself warned. Your family is about to be attacked. No, it won’t be the physical attack of terrorism, a hurricane, or a forest fire. No, this attack is much more subtle, seductive, and attractive, but infinitely more dangerous.

Your family is about to be attacked by a holiday season."

Maybe you’re thinking, What in the world is Paul Tripp talking about? Read his article

Playgroup - Christmas shopping!

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We are selling new/nearly used toys and they will be available in the entrance hallway to the Maxwell Hall.
An ideal opportunity for some Christmas shopping.

Speak to Fiona W for more details.
Pulse logo
Wednesday night at 7.15pm.
Now meeting in the sanctuary so access should be easier for those not so good with stairs.
We hope you can make it.

Christmas is Coming

lhm logo
Click here for the New Lodging House Christmas Card order form.
If anyone wants to support Lodging House Mission in this way, please order your cards directly or, to save postage, why not join up with a group of friends?
pray now
If you have a matter that you would like to be prayed about in this way, you can contact Margaret Boyd or Scott and they will organise for news to be sent out.
If you want to be added to the group to receive prayer news then simply ask Margaret and she will add your number to the list.
