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No.44  -  20th February 2021


Hope this finds you all well.

We have the usual varied content in the magazine this week.  Barnabas Fund have produced a downloadable pdf and this gives you a page a day from now until Easter to help you pray for the persecuted church - fascinating stuff.

There is also a bit of poetry - the magazine is doing what it can to bring some culture into your restricted lives. This is a beautiful classic from Welshman, George Herbert. I've included a photo of Herbert to encourage the guys who are still waiting for the barbers to re-open.   If you have a favourite Christian poem, or even just a picture of someone badly needing a haircut send them in.

This week the Home Groups are on again....but before that we look forward to Sunday morning and Scott gives us a great lead into that service and this week's Catechism below.
Enjoy the mag,


From the Manse

scottDear Congregation,

What a swing in weather recently.

A few weeks ago, we had days of torrential rain. That was followed by glacier-like winds and snow underfoot. Most recently the rain and ice have been replaced by wind but warmer weather. Wonderfully, it is lighter now in the morning when we rise and still bright towards dinner time. It is very interesting talking to people about the weather because everyone has their own preference!

I am engaging you in this good old British habit of talking about the weather because as Christians there is something very significant to remember. It is a great thing to grasp that the weather, seasons, the pleasure of fresh air, the beauty of the countryside, food, water, government, social cohesion, vaccines, teachers, NHS, friendships, the joy of child-birth, art, sport, music and so much more are all God’s gifts to us! Their supply comes to us without distinction. We can be a murderer and the winter will still turn to spring around us. We can be a pagan or outspoken atheist and caring NHS staff will still look after us when unwell or need a vaccine!

Astonishingly and wonderfully, the Scriptures reveal two types of “grace” to us from God.

One we have historically labelled “special grace”. In MMCC we are very familiar with “special grace”. This “special grace” is held out in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It is received by us through the renewing work of God the Holy Spirit when He brings us to faith. Our sins are forgiven and guilt washed away; we are reconciled to God and promised eternal life. It is “grace” because it is unearned and so, gifted. It is “special” because this gift of God is received only by those with faith in Jesus Christ. (Ephesians 2.4-8)

The second “grace” we meet in the bible we have historically called “common grace”. This grace is not “special” in that it is common to all. It is gifted even where the Holy Spirit has not renewed hearts, even where there is a complete absence of faith.

Of common grace, the theologian, Louis Berkoff, says it is, “the gracious benefits that God bestows upon man in the created sphere and in His moral influence upon mankind for the better.” He adds it is where “…sin is restrained, order is maintained in social life, and civil righteousness is promoted; and those general blessings, such as rain and sunshine, food and drink, clothing and shelter, which God imparts to all men indiscriminately where and in what measure it seems good to Him.” (Psalm 145.15-17)

This common grace does not have Gospel, saving effect. However, we can see from Berkhoff’s words that there are at least three spheres most impacted. There is a societal impact (sin is restrained, social order is maintained) an environmental impact (rain, sunshine, etc.) and thirdly a personal impact (drink, clothing, shelter).

We are going to explore this further on Sunday from New City Catechism Q&A 27.  Sadly, the existence of this common grace can compound the guilt of those who refuse to recognize God’s hand in these blessings. But for those who see God’s hands all over these gifts, it an amazing motivator for thanksgiving and praise for every part of daily life!

Look forward to being with you in worship on Sunday,
With warmest regards
In Christ


PEP Talk


What is a PEP talk? When I was growing up a “pep-talk” was a wee bit of motivational advice given to someone before they undertook a challenge. For example, if going for a first driving lesson, a parent might give a “pep-talk”; “relax, listen to what the instructor says and do it immediately! …and remember, enjoy yourself!”
Many social media platforms have “pep-talks” today and some of the wisdom dispensed makes it to poster-form (see above).

Our own Murray McNicol gave a “PEP Talk”!

Under the heading, “PEP Talk” Murray was interviewed by the Christian organization SOLAS. To SOLAS, “PEP” means “Persuasive Evangelism Podcast” which aims to introduce expert guests with inspiration, resources and ideas for sharing faith. Murray simply shared his passion for outreach and his experience of a couple of ways this has been approached at Maxwell Mearns Castle. I found what Murray had to share refreshing and inspiring and an impetus to reach-out more! Get a coffee, sit down and enjoy a conversation with Murray and two SOLAS staff.  Watch here.

Praying for the Persecuted Church


Barnabas Fund have produced a booklet to provided to inspire and focus your prayers for our Lord’s suffering people. It's simple to download for free and just a page each day up until Easter. It started at the beginning of Lent but just drop in a few days's just a page per day.
Most pages are dedicated to a particular country where Christians experience discrimination, harassment or violence for Christ's sake, giving background information and suggestions for prayer. Some pages focus on a particular group of persecuted believers, and the final page encourages us to rejoice in the glorious hope that we have in the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ, a hope that can sustain us all in our trials for Him.

Each page has really good background on each country or area - a great tool if you want some structure in praying 'intelligently' each day.

Maxwell Web Page 

We are trying to put as much information and news onto the church web page these days especially. Because things continue to be 'fluid' and will continue to be for a while no doubt it is much easier to let Maxwell members see fresh and updated material by placing it on the webpage.  Have you registered on our web page? No? Well, you can't go out much today so you might has well do it just now! And then, pop across to the church YouTube page and subscribe there too.

The Church Calendar
The Church Calendar is up to date and a good place to go for checking out what is happening and when...of course, in a few months this will be chock full of activities - won't it!! Take a look here.

In Resources we have altered things slightly. You can find there a backlog of previous services and sermons. Now that the services are videoed they can be found in the church channel on YouTube.  On the Resources page we are just placing the sermon audio files. 
media player

The image above shows what you will see when you click on a sermon.
This page is still undergoing some work (thanks for those working in the background) so keep an eye on the progress.

Guides Thinking Day


Monday 22nd February is World Thinking Day for Girl Guides and Girl Scouts around the world.

Our girls at 1st Maxwell Mearns are organising their own international themed sleepovers at home this weekend and joining in with other Rainbows, Brownies and Guides across Scotland to do special activities like renewing their Promise and lighting a candle on the evening of 21st to share their Guiding light in their community. 

Many of you have been great supporters of our units over the years and for this we are very thankful. Please pray for us as we continue our units weekly online.


Wonder Walks #2

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The Scottish Bible Society have created a Wonder Walks series for Lent and Easter. 
As we lead up to Easter use these to help you focus on God when you are out for a walk or in your garden. On each map you will find something to read from the Gospel of Mark, questions to think about, games to play, and ideas to pray about. You don’t need to prepare anything in advance, just download your map and head off for your weekly Wonder Walk! 
We'll include each walk in the magazine (click here for the Wonder Walk  pdfs) or visit their website to download and print. 

Love (III)

Love bade me welcome: yet my soul drew back,
            Guilty of dust and sin.
But quick-eyed Love, observing me grow slack
            From my first entrance in,
Drew nearer to me, sweetly questioning
            If I lacked anything.

"A guest," I answered, "worthy to be here":
            Love said, "You shall be he."
"I, the unkind, ungrateful? Ah, my dear,
            I cannot look on thee."
Love took my hand, and smiling did reply,
            "Who made the eyes but I?"

"Truth, Lord; but I have marred them; let my shame
            Go where it doth deserve."
"And know you not," says Love, "who bore the blame?"
            "My dear, then I will serve."
"You must sit down," says Love, "and taste my meat."
            So I did sit and eat.

George Herbert - 1593-1633


New City Cat

Q27. Are all people, just as they were lost through Adam, saved through Christ?
 No, only those who are elected by God and united to Christ by faith. Nevertheless God in his mercy demonstrates common grace even to those who are not elect, by restraining the effects of sin and enabling works of culture for human well-being.


Alpha online in 2021

alpha online

 Keep praying for those taking part in the course, that they would be enjoyable and profitable for everyone taking part.


The Kirk Session has been encouraging us to build into our lives a desire to share the Gospel in a simple way with friends and family. To this end, we are being encouraged to use “The Word One To One” material.
Let’s all try and find one person to open John’s Gospel with. Remember to share online by zoom or by some other platform, you can download the exact same booklet. Simply go to our website; and press the “Church Life” tab >  then press the “Reaching Out” tab and scroll to the bottom of the page. You see all 11 booklets listed and available for download.
Speak to Margo McN if you would like to see a copy of a booklet.
Martin Boyd, 19/02/2021