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Welcome to the Maxwell Magazine - we have moved over to the church web page for the first time for issue no.13.  The purpose of the magazine stays the same though: an opportunity to keep up to date and share some stories and smiles from Maxwell and further abroad.
Enjoy the mag.

This week's mag includes:

Update from Scott
Buildings: It is exciting that the First Minister and Scottish Government continue to move us out of lockdown. We should pray for all those responsible for making decisions. Who would envy their responsibilities!
For the time being, our church buildings remain closed and we shall continue our on-line worship and gatherings. 
I have assembled a “Maxwell Reopen Buildings Team” (MRB Team) and we met for the first time on 25th June.

It is fantastic that Jack Cunningham has agreed to be our team leader. We have medical and infection control experience in Alastair McLellan and Margaret Brown. Stephen Pryce our new Property Convener and Brian Waugh from the Congregational Board are also on the team. Fiona Waugh has already begun risk assessing the possibility of Playgroup opening with the schools in August. Fiona brings vast experience and knowledge of these matters to the team.

The Team has agreed to meet twice a week initially and will work on assessing the various risks. The MRB Team will have the final say on when/how we open our buildings to the various groups and gatherings that use our premises. Presbytery will also need to “sign-off” the opening of all buildings within her bounds.

As you are aware, information released by the Government is limited at each new phase. Many questions about time-scales and operational detail are still unknown and will have to be worked through. However, if you have any questions about this matter please do email the office and we shall at least try and address your questions.

I have permission to let you all know that Broom Parish Church building is now open for private prayer. Rev Jim Boag extends a warm welcome to anyone who wants to use the premises for prayer on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays (10.30-11.30am).
Pastoral: The Pulse (our Wednesday night prayer meeting) has now stopped for the summer. However, it is necessary we continue to be a people of prayer. Please pray for all aspects of our congregational life and especially the work of the MRB Team. A number of our congregation (and doubtless many in our community) have had important medical procedures delayed because of Covid-19. Let us pray these procedures are able to resume soon and that serious illness does not occur as a result of the delays. Pray also for the work of God the Spirit in these lockdown days as He convicts many of their need of Jesus Christ. 
Holidays: I will be on holiday for two weeks from Monday 29th June until 13th July. Rev Joe Kavanagh is covering for funerals. Joe can be contacted on Tel 0141 384 2218, mobile 07508047388.
 Pulse logo
The midweek prayer meeting PULSE is on a Summer break. Perhaps when we return we will have moved from the online version to meeting in person again?
Please use the Pray Now WhatsApp group if you have any matters for urgent prayer. Contact Margaret Boyd if you would like to be added to the group. (
Catechism Corner #11
What does God require in the sixth, seventh, and eighth commandments?
Sixth, that we do not hurt, or hate, or be hostile to our neighbour, but be patient and peaceful, pursuing even our enemies with love. Seventh, that we abstain from sexual immorality and live purely and faithfully, whether in marriage or in single life, avoiding all impure actions, looks, words, thoughts, or desires, and whatever might lead to them. Eighth, that we do not take without permission that which belongs to someone else, nor withhold any good from someone we might benefit.
There is perhaps something to be said for simply learning the Ten Commandments as they appear in Exodus. Less wordy. More concise. Fewer Oxford commas.
However, we are helped along with some alliteration again. We have not to “hurt, or hate, or be hostile” but “be patient, peaceful, pursuing” people with love. These three Commandments are all about our relationships with others – having only a positive impact on other people’s lives.
The Answer here reminds me of the Sermon on the Mount, where Jesus refreshes the Commandants with the “And now I tell you” explanations, where the line in the sand is drawn far, far before anyone would get anywhere near the specific act of murder, adultery or theft. For the Law to be kept, there would have to be moral perfection rather than the absence of these specific reprehensible acts. However, we often - daily - cross our own lines in the sand and disappoint ourselves with our weaknesses and self-centred living, let alone live up to God’s standard.
At the heart of the Commandments is love. At the end of this Answer is a challenge that we might “not with hold any good from someone we might benefit”. Who could you help? Will you?

christianity explored

Christianity Explored at Maxwell

Starting 12th July for seven consecutive Sundays we will be running an online version of the Christianity Explored course via Zoom.
We aim to start each session at 7pm and end at 8pm
Christianity Explored is an informal and relaxed course for anyone who wants to think about the meaning of life. It’s completely free, you don’t need to know anything about the Bible, and you won’t be asked to sing or pray or read the Bible out loud. You can ask any question you like or you can just sit and listen. Each week we will watch a video clip presenting one of the claims of Jesus, and then have time for discussion and questions – all from the comfort of your own armchair!

To register interest or receive more information please email and take a look at the short video below.
Please encourage a friend / neighbour / colleague to get in touch!
Watch an introduction to the course here

An upside down Kingdom
kingdom of God

Last week Scott taught from Mark ch10 and Jesus’ explanation of a different Kingdom, with different principles. How do we view people and how do we treat people (especially those we can lead) in whatever context that might be?
This short video from Tim Keller is good revision for us. (Click to take a look, it’s less than 2 mins)
Flower Power
sams garden

Another great photo from the Nugent’s this week. Sam wants to make it clear that it’s actually officially ‘Muriel’s Garden’ and Sam is just the caretaker and gofer. (Sounds like another husband looking forward to lockdown finishing!)
Coronavirus in South Africa


From Bryson and May Arthur
Today, we were informed that hairdressers, restaurants, some hotels, even cinemas (keeping to social distancing and taking health precautions) are opening up.  But what has it been like being under lockdown for 88 days with long hair and nowhere to go?
We felt from Day 1 that we were graciously provided for – that the Lord has everything under His control: from South Africa itself, to us personally.  In many ways it has been a blessing.  We’ve had food to eat, a house with space and a sunny garden where it has been a pleasure to sit outside and peace and tranquillity.  Sadly, that’s not the same for so many people living in townships, with maybe six people living in 2 rooms and toilets across the road being shared with 20 others.  Social distancing was just not possible.
Our college has been closed.  We’re trying to teach online, but it’s the hardest thing in the world to teach students with poor connectivity and not enough money to buy data.  We are trying, and so far, have had some degree of success.  I (May) had to resort to doing short burst of teaching through WhatsApp and sending the PowerPoint presentations as pdfs.  Just this week the students had gathered back on campus, wearing masks and using Google Meet as our communication mode.  How good it was to see the students again.
Many people have gone hungry, as they have been furloughed or retrenched and monies from the government has been slow to filter down to them.   Just like in the UK the economy is spiralling downwards and people are concerned.  But we trust the Lord for all He has for us.  We are all in His plan – for great good.
Bryson and May Arthur are missionaries serving in South Africa.  Bryson, a lecturer in Systematic Theology, is the Head of the Honours degree programme at Mukhanyo Theological College and May teaches Study Skills and English as well as helping disadvantaged children through the local church.
St.Luke’s Ambulance

We have focussed on the work of St.Luke’s Hospital in Hiranpur over June and want to encourage you to give to this work if you can. In particular, we hope to be able help them reach their target in purchasing a new ambulance. All the details are on the hospital’s web page.
To make your donation by bank transfer please complete this detail;
Account name: Fullarton Parish Church;    Account number:  00156004
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paulines photos

Congratulations to Tess Crichton, Theo Timmons and Andrew Forster who have all this week finished nursery and will begin P1 in August.
And to Holly Urquhart, Anna Crichton and Sarah McNicol who have finished P7 and are moving to High School after the summer. 

Face to Face
Since it’s been a while since the congregation were all together we thought we would set a challenge to see who you can remember – each photo has 3 faces – can you tell who they are?  (answers here)
maxwell faces

The Ladybird Book of Maxwell 

Face to face answers:   1. Bruce Adkins, Jack Geddes, Robin Russell.   2. Hannah McNicol, David Merriman, Daniel Clarke